Arthur 2: Hidden

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The Kirkland manor was deathly silent, and Arthur knew that this was far different from a few hours ago. The maids had already cleaned up the broken glass, but they couldn't repair the holes in the walls. Arthur hadn't seen Duncan this angry in a very long time, and it brought back certain memories that he'd rather not deal with anymore. He and Peter hid under his bed like they used to, and he felt pathetic about it, but he hated it when his brother got like this.

At three in the morning, Duncan had started screaming about his life being over and people hating him from now on. He took his medication regularly, so Arthur thought that it must have been something really bad that pushed him over the edge. Then, in the midst of all of his profanities, he said the words that made Arthur's heart sink.

"They know! They know everything now!"

Arthur knew that Duncan was part of the new group that got exposed. "Oh, no," he thought. "That damn blog is ruining everyone's lives, and the worst part is that no one has any idea who could be behind all of this."

Arthur and Peter eventually walked out of his room, but they still had their guards up. The stairs creaked under their weight, which startled them. They heard soft singing and saw their two maids comforting a disheveled and teary-eyed Duncan as he hyperventilated. Thankfully, due to their patience, he did calm down after a while.

"When I get my hands on who did this, I'll fucking strangle them until their eyes pop out!" Duncan exclaimed.

"How about I ask the chef to make you some pancakes, dear?" one of the maids said gently.

"I'm not going to school today, I don't care what anyone says."

"I'm sure that Dylan is willing to take notes for you," the other maid said soothingly.

One of the maids looked at Arthur and nodded at him. He already knew what he had to do as he made his way into Duncan's room to remove anything deemed 'hazardous for his being', as quoted by his mother. He took away anything sharp or dangerous that could be used to harm himself.

As he left the room, Arthur heard Duncan say, "This morning has already started off amazing. I curse whoever is responsible for making me suffer."

Arthur knew that there was nothing he could do to fix what had happened, but he would do anything to protect his brother from further harm.

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