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Welcome to the next chapter of this book! I shouldn't be watching Jacksepticeye playing that one Chilla's Arts  game called The Convenience Store...I'm just gonna keep watching while typing. 

Have a good read loves.

-Scarlet <<3

Felix's POV:

"Hey! We meet again!" it was the boy again. Usually, when someone wakes me up, I'm instantly furious, but as I looked into the boy's eyes, I felt that feeling again. It felt like a drug. And I was addicted. The boy was bent over down to where my head was lying on the table. "Hi," I say tiredly. "My name's Hwang Hyunjin! What's your name cutie?" Hyunjin says to me. I internally scream. He called me cute. I love him already, I'll make him mine.

It was a few minutes before I realized he had asked my name. "M-My name is F-Felix," I stutter. God, why am I so awkward? No chance now. "Hi, Felix!" Hyunjin says, plopping his stuff down next to me. He looked so adorably excited. I didn't want to speak, it would ruin the moment. "This is my first day!" why is this guy so fucking adorable. I had to ruin it for him, I didn't want him to get disappointed.

"Don't get too excited, we have History first," I groan to him, feigning  ignorance. I was watching every single feature of Hyunjin. Watching his eyes turning into those genuine crescents I seemed to love already. "Haha, you're so adorable when you make that face," Hyunjin giggles, his eyes crinkling at the corners. I blush. It seems like this boy doesn't know what wonders he does to my heart. ( He might not know, but you do) More people started streaming in through the door. A bubble of space was left around Felix, and everyone swarmed Hyunjin. Asking him questions. Making him visibly uncomfortable.


"Hey handsome," a girl with blond hair and a light round face says. sticking her business in Hyunjin's space. Ugh, Nayeon. This bitch can't do anything but gossip, but no one can say shit about her because her father is the main source of funds for the school. No one genuinely likes her, but she can't take a fucking hint. (I am so sorry Nayeon, Ily so much) No one likes her, they just tolerate her. "What's your name handsome?" Nayeon pressed her body right on top of Hyunjin's, staring up into his beautiful face, with those fox like eyes of hers.

"Um, Hyunjin," Hyunjin says, pushing Nayeon away slightly. "Can I sit with my friend?" He says, plopping himself down directly next to me. "I'm your friend? Why would you wanna be friends with me?" I ask at the same time as Nayeon says, "He's your friend? Who the hell would wanna be friends with him?" 

"Me, I want to be friends with him, and don't talk about Felix like that," Hyunjin retorts. Nayeon just stares, shocked. Then she huffs and stalks away, her gaggle of "friends" following after her. They giggle and wink at Hyunjin, who rolls his eyes. By this time I was fuming. I was going to kill them. Hyunjin looks at me, and sees the absolutely murderous glare on my face. "Hey, Felix, don't listen to them," he hugs me tightly. 

"I-I'm not worried about myself. What they said to you-" "Don't worry love, they can't do anything to hurt me, I'm so handsome after all!" Hyunjin grins at me, and I feel like I might melt. He is just perfect. I love him.  I allow myself a small giggle. Which turns into a whole hearted laugh. And then suddenly, we're both laughing. After a while the teacher came in, and we had to stop, but internally I was celebrating. He was defending ME. He wanted to be friends with me. I was ecstatic. He had called me love. I was going to kill those girls for messing with him. One. By. One.

I grabbed my Bluetooth headphones and put on U by iKON. I loved iKON. They were one of my favourite groups. My bias was the wonderful rapper Bobby, but enough about me. (Love you Bobby). "U" made me feel a certain way, it represented for what I felt about Hyunjin. So I listened to it on repeat the entire class. I stared at Hyunjin as well, it may seem creepy, but I was going to love him forever. Hyunjin's handsome features were prominent in the light of the sun, and he looked like pure sunshine.  


It was the end of the day, and one of Nayeon's "friends" walking home by herself. This was the perfect chance. I shivered in excitement. I could finally get that bitch out of the way, then there would only be 6 left. So I followed her.


But yall, next chapter is going to have some gore, a bit of graphic gore if you may. Then diary writing. Now there might and I mean MIGHT be a murder every chapter, who knows. 

Love yall~

The Love ChildМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя