
180 14 43

YES...... AND?




(Stay healthy, eat everything, stay hydrated)


"Back!" I called out, Theo waving at me from the couch with Intak next to him. I glared at Intak's smirk before heading into the kitchen.

There was a steaming dish of Pasta Bake on the dining table, Theo texting me that Intak will be staying over for the night since father is away on another trip. "What?" I messaged him back, but he never responded. 

"Hey Theo! Did you make this?!" I shouted out, Theo shouting back a small, "Yeah!" 

"It looks good... " I gazed down at it longingly, but shook my head, I had no appetite. Instead, being the flexer I am, I took a picture of it and sent it to Chan, captioning it 'Look at what Theo just made!' before shutting my phone off and leaving.

"Sorry, I'm not hungry," I muttered, Theo nodding thoughtfully before turning back to his conversation with Intak.

"Why is he not eating?" I heard Intak say as I ascended the stairs, and I could see Theo shrugging. "I don't know, must have eaten before he came, it's not a big deal!" 

I rolled my eyes and locked myself in my room, Akuma already standing in the corner. "You don't do anything, okay?" I warned, Akuma nodding and snapping his fingers, a pin board appearing out of nowhere and dropping onto my bed roughly.

Cha Soojun's information

"Honestly, I think you're better at this than me," I mutter as Akuma fizzled away, sitting myself on my bed and turning the pinboard to face my body.

"Phone number?" I said out loud Akuma's voice filling my head as I read further.

You might not need it, but if you do it's there.

"What are you planning?"

I'm not planning.

You are.

I thought about it for a moment before scanning over the pictures. "She's not that bad of a looker, but not Hyunjin's type," I mumbled, Akuma's laugh echoing around me.

And you know that how?

"By the time I'm done, I'll be his only type," I thought confidently, Akuma's voice 'hm'ing in agreement. 

"Hey, Felix you still awake?" Theo knocked on my door softly, scaring me into shoving the board under my bed and standing up. "I am," I respond, Theo opening the door and shooting me a sheepish smile. "Do you have a spare pillow?" Theo asked and I threw one to him grimly. 

"If anything happens to it you're washing it," I growled, Theo laughing and shutting my door softly. I cursed Intak as I opened my bathroom door, Akuma already waiting for me. 

"Oh my god! Don't do that!"

Y'know what's funny?


You never think about your fingerprints, so I have to erase them every. Single. Time.

"Sorry," I rubbed the back of my neck, tussling my hair slightly, "should I be more careful?"

Akuma nodded and disappeared, leaving me alone to shower, which I did swiftly, thinking about what he had said. Akuma had seemed... morbid. Not as... well you can't say bubbly... okay?

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