
201 15 22

"Alright bye!!" Chan waved to everyone and left for his part-time job.

"Felix, you wanna go somewhere?"

I hear Hyunjin ask from behind me, and I already feel like I'm going to melt. "Y-YES, I mean yeah sure!" I begged the gods of human interaction to make him forget whatever the fuck I just did, and it seems they were in my favour, because Hyunjin giggled, but didn't say anything else before grabbing my hand and pulling me down the street. I was internally screaming as Hyunjin gripped onto my hand like he'd lose me if he didn't, and when he stopped pulling me along and stopped at a small shop, the butterflies already had made their way from my stomach into my esophagus.

"Look!!" Hyunjin pulled me into the shop, and there was a wide array of trinkets, art supplies, and clothes. "This place is my favourite hangout!" he spun around gesturing to the shop's interior, then let go of my hand. The disappointment must have shown on my face because Hyunjin began to giggle, and put his face close to mine, staring into my eyes. "Wanna keep holding my hand?" I nod slightly, and Hyunjin grins before grabbing my hand and dragging me over to the art section.

"Here's where I get my art supplies, I like art," it seemed a little random in hindsight but I just went with it, drunk on this special attention from my one and only. "Really? You've never shown me," I looked into his eyes and he suddenly looked shocked. "I haven't?! Shit I thought I did," Hyunjin began to panic, saying things like, "I'm so sorry" or "Fuck I should've" and honestly it was just making me fall harder and harder, delving into an insane amount of obsession. I needed this man. 

"No, no don't worry, it's fine you can show me later!" I grinned at him and he seemed to calm down a bit. "Okay," he sighs and shows me the wide array of supplies and how they could be used. I needed to research once I got home so that I could really engage with him. The way his eyes lit up when talking about the things he loved, and the way he was so dramatic with his gestures all caught my eye and were noted down to forever remember. 

"Omg hi Hyunjin!!" another one of Nayeon's bitchy friends had stalked Hyunjin down to his favourite hangout. I was fuming, this moment, his excitement, the grin on his face, all faded away slowly, being replaced with a bored and angry look. "Hi Jeongyeon, I'm not in the mood to talk right now, I'm hanging out with Felix here," my heart fluttered as Hyunjin grabbed me around the waist. I was completely sure my face was as red as the colours displayed next to us. 

I seem to be blushing a lot ever since Hyunjin came into my life.


"Yeah, well I don't care, it's my right to be around you," Jeongyeon gave me a dirty look before turning to the art supplies and mindlessly browsing. Hyunjin looked mad, and dragged me over to the clothing area. "Another reason I wanted to bring you here is to get you some clothes, my treat," he continued to hold my waist as he gestured to the wide array of clothes from tight skirts to baggy jeans (😔). I ran my hands across the mens section, then  turned to the women's section, I'm sure Hyunjin wouldn't mind...right?

I turn to him, searching for approval, and he grins and gives me the thumbs up, so I go ahead and picked out a skirt which had a matching long sleeved cropped sweater, plus black boots and black tights. I hid the items from Hyunjin and ran to the dressing room. This would be the first time I could get real, brand new clothes that I wanted. Not hand me downs and the occasional little Christmas gift of a dusty shirt that  Theo had probably not liked. 

I was going to treasure these clothes.

"Okay, I'm coming out in 3...," I called to Hyunjin before counting down and throwing the door open and rushing over to him, my face a light pink as I looked down at the floor shyly. Hyunjin was silent for a good minute, so I looked up worriedly, and I saw him turned away, his face brighter than mine, shielding a grin with the back of his hand. "You look...hem- great!" he continued looking away so I laughed and decided to go change out of the clothes.

After I was done I ,came back to a horrific sight. My eyes dropped to the floor as I saw Jeongyeon, on top of Hyunjin.

Kissing him.

The tears came out fast and scalding, I dropped the clothes and began vigorously wiping the tears out of my eyes. Hyunjin couldn't see I was crying. I began to walk over but then I saw Hyunjin roughly shove Jeongyeon off of him and spin around wildly. "F-Felix," he stuttered and stepped towards me, but I stepped back. I-It's not what it looks like- I SWEAR, please belie-"

"I believe you," I hugged him suddenly, and he embraced me back. All I could see was Jeongyeon's half smirk, half rage filled face, I glare at her and she huffs and stalks out of the shop. "Let's just pay and go," Hyunjin hurriedly payed and we left the shop, faster than I had wanted, the little outing was coming to an end. "I meant what I said in there, you did look great, you should wear this kind of stuff more often," he gestured to the bag he had slung over his back and I blushed. Hyunjin grinned and held my hand as we walked along the street for a bit before I had to end the moment. Fast. Or she was going to be too far to catch.

"Jinnie," Hyunjin blushed at the nickname and I smiled, "I have some errands to do, so I gotta get some stuff before going home, bye," I turn and began to walk but his hand stayed firm on mine. "Can't I come with you? It's super dark, and there's always some creep out at this time," he looked around and shivered slightly. "No, don't worry, I can help myself," I let go of his hand and walked away quickly. 

Y'know how the other girls had somewhat mediocre deaths?

This one's gonna be a thriller for me

Yall a semi large chap, because this week's gonna be hellish (HELLWEEK AHHHH)

Plus the fact exams are in 2 weeks but who gives a fuckkk


I love you guys 💪😃🥖

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