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meep moop


It was the next, tiring day.

And Chan was still at my house. 

And so was Jeongin.

And so was Keeho.

They were just sitting on the couch either side of me, watching a really cringy movie about a Christmas love story. (I used to be obsessed 😔

"Okay, this shit is boring as," Keeho switched the channel to the news channel, which was arguably more boring. 

I was enjoying that movie...

I rolled my eyes at Akuma's words before I fully registered what was now on screen. "Another body was found near Hat Man Bar, the eyes were mutilated and only DNA samples were able to identify the body of Yoo Jeongyeon, a high schooler at JYP Higher Classes, and again, we warn people who go to JYP Higher Classes about this murderer we have christened the Night Stalker, for more information, or if you think you are being targeted, call-"

Chan quickly shut the TV off and glanced at me slightly. Akuma just scoffed and leaned back wards, which was a weird sight, because he was just kind of a stick.

"Another one?!" Jeongin exclaimed, and Keeho just patted his head. "It's all girls that are being targeted, and all from our class..." Chan began writing down all the information he knew on a random slip of paper, and I frowned. "What are you doing?" I leant forward to see what he was writing down.

It was a list of possible targets.

Chan could've been at school with Hyunjin (very jealous), but he chose to stay with me, which was unimaginably eye opening.

"Chan, add Nayeon to the list, since it's all of her 'friends'" Keeho air quoted friends and Jeongin hiccupped. "I don't know if this is a good idea," I was beginning to get nervous, if they went ahead and investigated, like they're Scooby Doo or something, I... people...

I don't know what would happen to me.

That's if they don't get wrapped up into this...

"Felix, don't be scared, no one is investigating, you heard the news! The police aren't investigating due to the risk of the case! If they're not investigating, half the girls in our school will die," Chan put so much emotion into his voice, it was borderline comical for Akuma, who burst out laughing.

That is... the weirdest shit I've ever heard and I'm a dark angel

"Oh shush!" I turn back to look at Akuma, and Chan looks at me with hurt. "That wasn't at you! I mean, uh, it's a terrible idea, this is such a huge threat, you could die!" I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose, Chan groaned. "I'd like to add that this idea is insane, but I'm all for it," Keeho rubbed his hands together, but Jeongin was silent.

"Jeongin, please tell me that you think this is insane!" I begged him, not fully being able to stare into his eyes, and he shook his head slightly. "It's scary, but it's a good idea," Jeongin sighed and got up, "I'll go tell the others at school, I kind of don't want to keep watching cringe love stories that I think only you like Chan," and with that Jeongin jogged out of the house before Chan could even comprehend the insult. 


Chan sighed and put the TV remote down.

"I'm home!" 

Oh shit.

"You guys need to hide!" I grabbed Keeho and Chan and pushed them away, "go hide!" I whisper yelled as Chan and Keeho looked at me in full confusion. "Keeho let's go!" Chan grabbed Keeho and ran in a random direction, and I tried to clean up all of the stuff we had left strewn out. 

"Felix?!" my father ran forward and dropped all of his stuff. "Are you okay? I need to divorce her right this moment I swear-" 

"What are you doing?" I was confused. Concern, and care, and love, wasn't my father's thing. "You're my son? I have to care, is your back okay?" my father let go of me and patted my head. "Did Theo put you up to this?" I stepped forward and my father frowned. "No, I haven't even see Theo yet!" 

"Okay... I'm fine..." I say and my father sighed and looked round. "Why is there so much stuff here? It's so messy, did you have someone over?"
I shook my head side to side, and my father raised an eyebrow at that. "Are you sure? Because I hear whispering from that cupboard over there," he pointed at a large cupboard towards the direction of the kitchen and I groaned. 

He strode over and threw open the doors, and to my dismay, Chan and Keeho fell right out. "Why are you in my home?" my father stepped backwards while Chan scrambled up, kicking Keeho slightly. "Are you Felix's friends? I thought he didn't have any, which was partly my fault, but?" 

"Yes, we are Felix's friend and we're here to make sure he doesn't get hurt, and we're sorry for forcing him to skip school," Chan bowed a full 90° and nudged Keeho, who swiftly bowed as well. "Don't worry, I'll just be in my office, don't be too loud," my father took his coat off and gave it to Chan, who held it like it was pure gold, and tipped his head to them before walking off nd up the stairs. We all heard a door slam, and the exhale we all exhaled was practically a unanimous decision to sit down

You're having a weird day indeed

Okay idk what was going on but next chapter will be hehehehehe

Think what you will with that

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