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(Stay healthy, Eat everything, Stay hydrated)


"Who?" I looked around, Intak making his way over the moment our eyes met.

"Felix," he frowned, his face showing rage but his eyes an underlying sadness. Intak bent low next to my ear, whispering softly, "I know what you did to her."

I grinned at him innocently, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"You have a lot of guts showing your face around here Intak," Keeho walked over from their table nearby, leaning on the table facing Intak with a face full of fury, Intak looking back with contempt. 

"Nice to see you too Keeho."

"Oh fuck off man," Keeho grumbled, Soul peeking out from behind him. I looked up at the 2 of them annoyedly, sliding my food to Akuma, who ate it in a second.

"Hey, let's all just calm down," Chan said, forcing Keeho and Soul to go sit back with Theo, who I hadn't even noticed came to school today, "Intak just stop stirring shit up and leave!"

"Okay!" Intak threw up his hands and left to sit back down with Nayeon, their group sending glances in my direction. "Honestly," Hyunjin rolled his eyes at them before stabbing his food angrily, looking at me with sad eyes.

San looked over at them with a concerned look, "Weirdos," he stated out loud, a few surrounding tables looking over and beginning to laugh at their group.

Like I said, influential.

Your canteen food isn't that bad, though you do know I don't need to eat right?

I scoffed and looked over to Minho, who was staring at me with wide, scared eyes. "Where'd Felix's food go?" he exclaimed, standing up and skittering back like a frightened cat, Changbin looking over and shrugging, "He probably ate it."

"No, I saw him slide it away from him, and then it was gone," Minho pointed at me, "something's wrong!"

"With who? Felix?" Chan looked over to me before his eyes flicked back to Minho, "Why would you say that?"

"I don't know, but something is wrong, how did Intak get suspended in the air that day?" Hyunjin's eyes darkened as they locked with mine, and it wasn't a good feeling that shot through me. "Wipe their memory, or change their opinion, it doesn't matter just fix this!" I thought, Akuma shaking its head and placing a hand over my eyes.

Through the gaps in its talons, or claws- whatever, I could see a bright flash, where everyone sat up straight, before they resumed eating.

Akuma removed the claws off my face, everyone barely noticing me wide-eyed and confused. "Felix what's wrong?" Hyunjin looked up at me with a mouth stuffed with food, and I shook my head, "Nothing."

He nodded and turned away from me to whisper something in Chan's ear, before turning to San with an eyebrow raised. "When you said you won't say why you've changed, why?" Hyunjin asked, San seemingly not hearing him as he stared at something situated at the other side of the canteen. 

We followed his gaze halfway, before he broke his eyes away and looked at Hyunjin nervously, "What did you say?"

"He said-" I leaned forward, "-why won't you say why you've changed?"

San shrugged, "I don't want to attract unwanted attention to my reason."

Chan coughed, "You know, we're pretty good at keeping secrets here-" he shot me a look, "-so you can tell us."

San shook his head, "Maybe somewhere private."

I shrugged, nudging Akuma with my foot to make a point, "The bell is about to go, I'm gonna go to the bathroom."

I got up and took off towards the exit, the trip to the bathroom quick and easy in the empty hallways.


Akuma nodded, bowing his head to fit through the bathroom stall door, it had yet again, grown bigger.

Stop calling me it.

"What should I call you then?! You haven't exactly told me your pronouns, and to me you're a creature," I furrowed my brows as it shrugged.

They is fine.

I nodded and gestured for him to answer my previous statement.

From what I could see inside that kid's head, he's lovestruck, a boy to be exact.

"Interesting," I locked the bathroom door, then sat on a sink as Akuma continued.

Honestly, they seem like a good couple, but they keep their distance at school because San doesn't want Wooyoung to garner unwanted attention.

"He said that."

The other's name is Wooyoung.

I hopped off the sink just as the bell rang, "I actually have a class with this Wooyoung, didn't really notice him before though."

Akuma just dissipated and left me with my own thoughts as I trekked through the student-flooded halls, going into my set classroom.

You forgot your bag.

I looked up surprisedly at Akuma, who dropped my bag by my chair as the teacher began to take attendance. They then disappeared, and I dug through my bag for my belongings, but instead of my laptop being the first thing I felt, a small crumpled note was. 

In Hyunjin's handwriting, the page reading, "Meet us at the back of the school, after your last class."

I blushed before stuffing it back in my bag, pulling out my belongings and getting to work.


"Did you guys hear what San did outside R30.5?" a student behind him tried to whisper as they exited the  classroom in a horde. 

"Yeah," someone else sighed, my interest peaked yet again today as they continued to gossip, "I heard they guy he threw was peeking up girls skirts yesterday, and this kid hunted him out to tell him off. Turns out the dude San threw beat the shit out of the kid, so San went after him."

"What are you guys talking about?" I turned back innocently, as if I didn't hear a word, and they shrugged and glared at me scornfully, "Why should we tell you? Freak."

I brushed it off with a smile as Hyunjin appeared out of the crowd, "Felix!"

I waved at him and the people behind me scoffed, "He got friends?"

Hyunjin frowned at them, "What did you say?"

They left after being confronted, Hyunjin escorting me out of the school and out the back, where Chan stood with his helmet, his bike nowhere to be seen.

"What's this about?"

Chan shared a look with Hyunjin, "Yeah Hyunjin, why'd you call us out here?"

Hyunjin bowed his head, "Something weird happened to me last night."

I fucked up school photos so bad 😭

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