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"What are you talking about? What would I  know?" I mumbled, Chan raising an eyebrow. "Felix, don't lie, I know you know something," Chan muttered, my eyes widening as Akuma's thin, brittle fingers inched towards Chan's neck. I shook my head violently, Chan looking at me confused, "Please, just tell the truth."

"Fine!" I cracked, pushing him off me gently, "I know something."

Chan's jaw dropped, I didn't know why he was so shocked, wasn't he making the claim?!

"Tell me!" Chan grabbed my shoulders and shook me, my hair flicking him in the face more than once. "Fine! Fine," I grumbled, shoving him off of me and grumbling nonsense about personal space. "Tell me!" Chan bounced on his toes, my glare doing nothing to dampen his excitement.

"I don't know exactly who's doing it, but I do know how they'll kill the next person," I hinted, thinking deeply how I was going to do it, putting more thought into it than the prior murders. "They'll drown the next victim," I look over Chan's shoulder at Akuma and raised an eyebrow.

I'll prepare it in the sewers you murderous freak.

I smiled, Chan looking at me with horror. "How the hell do you know that detail?!" Chan exclaimed, my hand immediately covering his mouth. "Shush! I can't tell without getting someone in trouble!" I muttered angrily, the door next to us (our room) opening and a sleepy Hyunjin peeking out. 

"What are you guys doing? How did I pass out like that?" Hyunjin groaned, Soonyoung popping up out of nowhere. "Y'all done?" he sounded highly surprised, Chan nodding and giving me a look, "Yeah, how much is it?"

"Free for you guys!" Soonyoung smiled widely, Chan siling back with a laugh, "Haha! No."
Chan opened his wallet and displaying the amount of money in there, "How much?"

Soonyoung couldn't not scoff, "Fine, $60."

Chan handed him the cash and pulled him in for a hug, "Thanks a bunch."

Soonyoung smiled and hugged him back, Chan shoving a few notes in his back pocket. "Hey!" Soonyoung exclaimed, Chan running out the door and him chasing after. 

"What were you guys talking about?" Hyunjin pushed me along, his touch making me shiver because...

His hands were freezing.

"Chan will tell you," I answered shyly, Hyunjin looking at me suspiciously before we finally exited the building. 

"Hey surprised seeing you here Hyunjin!" a girl, I assumed Choi Jisu, exclaimed, running up to us excitedly. 

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