
173 13 30


Y'know what I've given up on conceivable thoughts ;-;

Y'all won't know what shit be going on in my head


(Stay Healthy, Eat Everything, Stay Hydrated)


"Oh shit I can't-"

"Hyunjin, you okay?"

I was NOT okay. What are these odd feelings, why'd he have to bend over like that?! 

"Hyunjin? Where's Felix?" Chan snapped his fingers in front of my eyes and I shook my head slightly so that I could think up a proper response. "He's changing now," I shut my eyes, let out a deep exhale, then opened my eyes with a false calm look, which Chan obviously looked past. 

"Why are you here then? Shouldn't you be waiting with him in case anything happens?" Chan groaned and began shaking me back and forth. "I'll go back! Happy?!" I threw Chan's hands off of me, and he nodded (hehe nooded). "Okay, then go!" Chan shoved me back towards the door, and I stuck my tongue out at him and left.

"Do you think he's done yet?" I muttered while walking down the hall, trying every single option to dawdle and give Felix enough time to get ready... hopefully. "Mr Hwang?"

Oh no.

"I'd like to talk to you about some recent events happening, can you please come into my office?" The principal smiled sweetly and I shivered. "I have to be somewhere right now, can I maybe-"

"No, I need you in here now, or you'll be thought to be a suspect and will be monitored accordingly," her smile was gone and she had a straight browed and serious look on her face, and I just had to comply. "Okay," I nodded and the principal smiled and led me to the office, inside which 3 police personnel were waiting, one with a voice recorder, another with a list of questions and the final one with a pen and notepad.

"Don't be scared, we're interviewing everyone in the school," the police with the notepad stood up and reached out his hand to me, and I shook it lightly and sat down where he gestured to. The principal sat down at her chair and rested her chin on her fingers and closed her eyes. 

A loud beep went off, which was presumably the voice recorder, and the one with the notepad sat down. "First question," the one with the list adjusted his seat and looked me in the eyes while saying, "do you have any information related to the several cases of murder that have occured? We know that they are all from your classes, and they all have some connection to you,"

I nodded and took in a breath before speaking, "I knew all of them but didn't like them, they all heavily annoyed me and bullied my friends for no reason, especially my first friend here, Felix, but I never did anything!" I quickly realised how GOD AWFUL BAD it sounded, but it was too late, they were already nodding and writing it down.

"Okay... next question, where were you at 7-11PM on all the days each murder took place?" the officer cocked an eyebrow at me and I tried to think hard. The times matched up with at least 30 minutes after I would see Felix off... does this mean he's not safe either?!

"I'd be seeing off my friends by then, and be walking home?" 

"Okay... "

The questions went on and on, each one getting more and more detailed until they just stopped all together and said I could leave. "Your input is noted Mr. Hwang, you may now go to your..." the three officers looked towards the principal, who scrambled and said, "U-Uh it's morning break now!" 

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