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Hello. The only thing keeping me alive rn is these books, and the ideas for new ones. The day I stop writing is the day I die.

-Scarlet <<3

I hate school. Never liked it. Maybe I did when it was some form of escape. But then Hyunjin came into my life. And now those annoying pick-me bitches are getting in his way. They crowd him, making him uncomfortable. I just wanna- "FELIX!" Hyunjin calls me over to his gaggle of newfound friends. They were all people who had never talked to me. But they didn't like me at all, because of the rumours. "H-Hey Hyunjin," I stammer. Their gazes of disgust were gouging into me, making it hard to breathe.

That thing was back. I shot a look at it. It grinned back. It's sickly white, curved teeth, unable to fit in it's mouth. "These are my new friends! Introduce yourselves!" Hyunjin was oblivious to the discomfort I was in. I didn't like these people. I didn't like the girls snapping pictures of him from afar. He was mine.

"It's fine," I say to Hyunjin, slowly retreating to the exit of the library in which we were gathered. "No, it's not. You're always by yourself, I can't be your only friend," there was that word again. Friend. I wanted to be much more than just another face in his friend group. 

As it was obvious I wasn't going first, the people introduced themselves first.

-"I'm Bang Chan," a handsome one says. He was alright I guess. But Hyunjin was better.

-"I'm Minho," a cat like one says. He was scary looking, but alright as well. 

(I have such a obsession with the older bands 💀. Like 24k. And HISTORY)

-"I'm Changbin," this one was loud. I didn't like that. I winced. 

"Shhh," Hyunjin puts one arm around me. I freeze. It felt so good. I didn't want to leave. "Changbin! Be more quiet! He scares easily," 

"Ok, ok I'm sorry....?" Changbin pauses feigning not knowing my name. Everyone knows my name. I knew that. But I decided to play along. "I'm Felix," I say sticking my hand out. Bang Chan grabs it first. "Are you an Australian?" he asks. "No, my mother was one..." I say, "I know you're one too, I could tell from just looking at you," 

Bang Chan just nods. We then just stand there awkwardly staring at each other. Until  try to escape. "Well, I've gotta go.." I couldn't think of a good excuse. "Nah, nothing's more important than finally getting more friends," Hyunjin states. He then drags us to the class he knew we all shared. For some reason he made me give him a copy of my timetable so he knew where I was so that he could pick me up to go to lunch. I was so happy, I handed it over with out a thought.

We all walk in, and there was a bunch of girls sitting down in a group who squealed at the sight of Hyunjin. I cringe at the high pitched sound, I then felt Hyunjin's arms around me, guiding me to a corner where we all sat together. (Like right after writing this, I felt a pain in my chest, like heartburn

I sit down and Hyunjin and his newfound friends go outside for a bit to get their "shit" as Bang Chan says. As soon as I put my head down on the table to catch a few minutes before the teacher, (MAKNAE ON TOP OOWOAH) my hair is suddenly yanked back. I had pretty long hair for a guy, so it was easy to get a grip on it. "Well hello there freak!" it was one of my brothers friends. (Very Good by BlockB is just ♥) I could see Theo in my peripheral vision, just standing off to the side, not wanting to do anything, but enjoying it. I don't know what happened to us.

"Hello bitch," I say. I receive a sharp slap. "No talking back weirdo, now what did you do to Chaeyoung!?" 

Oh so that was her name. Eh, basic. (Love songs by BlockB and iKON are the only ones I'll listen to) "I didn't do shit In-Tak," I drawl. I hate that he has the same surname as Hyunjin.  "Don't lie! I know you did something. Keeho and Soul may not believe it, but I know you did something," In-Tak breaths into my ear. 

I roll my eyes. He has no idea. I pretend to not know anything. (The rough version of Very Good is good as well) "What happened to her that has you breathing down my neck?" I say as innocently as I can. "You know! She's disappeared!" I laugh a little on the inside. No one's found her body yet? I'm either better than I think, or the police a stupider than I thought. That thing was back again. I ignore it, but I feel it creeping closer, so I panic. It's been around since Theo stopped talking to me. 

It was like a friend. But a scary one. I didn't want it to hurt anyone. That was my job. And I felt that it could do it better. "WHAT THE FUCK!" I feel a final tug, then relief of my hair. SO I whip my head up and stare at it. It freezes. Then disappears. Good. It can't hurt anyone now. I can do it myself. I then realise what's going on behind me. "Hyunjin wait!" I say, stopping Hyunjin's fist from connecting with In-Tak's already slightly beaten up face. 

Hyunjin relaxes. "I'm sorry," he says, hugging me, "are you scared?" 

I shake my head no. I smile into his leather jacket. He was hugging me and asking if I was ok and it made my heart melt. He had also nearly beat up In-Tak for me. I might be falling too deep. 

No. I'm already in too deep. 


If yall want an elaborate explanation  of the thing  I'll add on to the description of it in the next chap


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