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I'm back


remember to SHEESH

(Stay Healthy, Eat Everything, Stay Hydrated)


I could feel Theo slump to the floor and I could hear him quietly cry along with me. "I'm sorry," I whisper through the crack of the door before wiping my tears and heading to bed. I could hear Theo get up and retreat to his room, and sat on my bed and continued to cry. 

Nothing good's going to come out of crying like a fool

"Oh so I can't cry, just because I've killed a few people I should be heartless?!" 

That's not what I meant-

"Oh fuck off," I got up and wiped my tears before running out of my room and down the stairs, before I was stopped by my "mother", who was sober for once. "Theo is crying! You little shit what did you do?!" she slapped me across the face, and I shoved her off of me. "I hate you! Just stay away from me, I get you hate me because your husband doesn't love you, but you don't have to hurt me like this!" I took several steps forward as I yelled in her face. 

"You little child whore!" she stepped back with every step I took, her hands flailing around, and they finally landed on a lamp, which she grabbed. She then smashed it into my face, and proceeded to hit me over and over as I fell to the ground. The lamps bulb exploded on my back, and a searing burn formed on my back, and the glass imbedded itself into my skin. I guess Theo heard the commotion, and he walked out and was greeted by the horrible sight of me on the ground and his mother standing over me.

"What the fuck?!" Theo ran down the stairs and grabbed me, hefting me up as I latched onto him as every movement I made sent pain through my body. The tears were running hot and thick now. Why would she do this? It was no comprehensible reason for this, and the thoughts that raced through my head as Theo began yelling at his mother were completely insane. I began to smile as the pain began to dissipate and completely disappear. 

But so was my vision.

Then everything went black.



"Oh fuck-"

"Get that bitch arrested!"

"We need to get Hyunjin here right now,"

"But he's in a meeting-"

"I DON'T CARE! Get him here!"

"Look, his eyes are opening!" 

My eyes fluttered open as the murmur of voices died down, and as soon as the white room came into focus, so did the pain.

"Ah, fuck!" the pain made me sit up, but that caused even more throbs to go down my back, and tears began to well up again. "Felix!" Chan ran forward and slowly lowered me down again, smiling as I grabbed onto his hand. "Felix...what happened? All Theo-" he frowned at the name, then shook his head and continued, "All Theo had said was that your mum had hit you with a lamp, and that you had passed out, and that he was scared you were really hurt," 

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