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Draco could barely breathe as they returned back to the manor. Time seemed to be almost crawling by as they walked by. Draco's Great Grandfather had decided to abruptly take Draco to various places, and apparently...rebuy all of his supplies? He had glanced towards Tom nervous, but Tom did not say anything, nor did he seem overly angry or upset at his great grandfather taking things into his own hands. Perhaps this was to be expected. Draco wondered if, once they were alone together, the anger would show itself. It was not something he relished in worrying over, but there was nothing to be done about it. Unfortunately he was going to have to try and survive two undoubable angery dangerous wizards. At this rate, he would be lucky to even make to the first day of Hogwarts, let alone his task from Grindelwald (though it was much more simple and survivable than the Dark Lord's own task which had been previously set to him). He wondered what would happen if he was unable to get to his task. Would Grindelwald be upset? Angry? Would he go after the Malfoy's just because they cost him a spy?

Draco doubted it. Dark Lords had plenty of spies and more than enough time to find more if they truly needed them. There were very few people that were indesposable in any war. That was done by design, of course, but Draco would not be entirely surprised if he was not the only one to have been tasked with figuring out who supported Dumbledore and who did not, and who was neutral. As far as tasks go, Draco could not have gotten luckier. This was something he was literally born and bred to do since he was a young child. His Father had taught him the ways of infiltration and subterfuge long before Draco knew much else. Knowing such things with someone of his standing was quite important, and it was really no surprise that Draco would be well versed in getting into people's good graces when he bothered to try. He just...normally did not bother trying. He had no need to, because at the end of the day being nice was a weakness that too many people around him would be willing to exploit for their own benefits. Of course, Draco had known this for a long time. Still, at the very least he knew how he could get this task done, and it was not nearly as impossible as Draco's previous task was.

Draco remained rather silent during the entire unprompted shopping trip. He held still during the robe fitting in Knockturn Alley, he kept silent as his Great Grandfather bought his books all nice and pristine as Draco was used to, this was combined when he was prompted to choose a trunk, which he did effectively (he was certain that it was some sort of a test, but his mother had schooled him on the necessities to be required of a school trunk, although Draco was almost certain that his resembled more of what the Blacks would gather than the Mafloys, he recalled his father's face when he had brought home his first trunk after all but Draco wasa not caring to impress at the moment, it would only be a matter of time before they realized his other heritage after all) he was then dragged to obtain a holster for his wand, something which was quite handy, but not entirely necessary, though he did not stop his great grandfather from buying one...as though anyone could stop him from doing what he wanted.

When they finally did get back to the manor, it was quite a bit later than what Draco would have hoped for, or even expected, and unlike what he expected he was not instantly reared upon with wand pointed. Rather, his great grandfather turned to him slowly, the blue eyes assessing him carefully before sighing. "I do not know how this is possible, but the magic is clear, and cannot be tampered with or messed with. As a result, whether I understand how it is you came to...be...here...or alive in any way whatsoever...either way I cannot refute the obvious, which is you are of this bloodline, clearly, and even more so you are of equal standing with Abraxas. I will...however, hope that you strive to prove yourself as a true Malfoy, and worthy of the title Heir apparant...are my expectations clear enough for you, or are they needed to to be more...clarified to you?"

"I understand perfectly," Draco stated blandly. It is not as though I was not raised with the exact expectation...though perhaps in more or less turbulant times. I'm not quite sure which timeline is worse at this point...but at least the Malfoy name has some actual weight now, more so than during my own time at least. This could prove good, or more complicated.

"Good, you may settle yourself in your...room." The word was slower than the rest of the sentence, only just, but it made its meaning clear. Draco would be staying with the Malfoys, whether he wanted to or not. It was not as though he chose to enter the manor in the first place but it was too little too late to do anything about it. "Dinner will be ready in aproxximately three hours, but the house elves will definitely inform you when the time comes. I must think over how to release this information...do not disturb me, and that includes you, Abraxas," The Patriarch of this time turned on their heel and walked from the room, leaivng Draco almost shell shocked.

"Come now, love," Tom whispered, fingers grasping tightly around his left wrist once again, pulling him sharply up the stairs and away from the drawing room. Tom pushed him through the bedoroom door, both leaving Abraxas to fend for himself at the moment, and Draco just stood, eyes blank, as Tom shut the door with a snap. "Are you...alright?" The words came out awkward, and it was clear Tom was not used to asking such things.

"That was...quite unexpected," was all Draco was able to push through his mouth. He had no idea what the hell he was supposed to respond to what just happened. His Great Grandfather had not hit him, not cursed him, not even threatened him truly...A little verbal threat was all, and even that was rather light in terms to what Draco had honestly expected.

"Unexpected how?" Tom pushed, but Draco was in an odd space, and did not push back, although it seemed as though it was hard for him to push to do or think with Tom.

"I suppose I had expected something more...just...more." Draco shook his head. "It was relatively tame regarding what I am used to, for certain." 

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