entertainment district

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"Entertainment district?" Asked Tanjiro.

"Surely you know what that is..." I mumbled.

"You know, that thing! Know what I mean?" Zenitsu says. "The place where you know, you know. Huh? You don't get it?"

"Look." I demonstrate with my hands but he just looks even more confused.

"Listen up! I am a god! You three are... trash! You!" He pointed his big sausage finger at me. "A sneaky mouse!"

I gasped offended.

"That's the first thing you need to pound into your heads! Drive it in! You're to turn into dogs if I tell you to! Turn into monkeys if I say so! Hunch over and rub your hands together, constantly pander to my every whim and suck up to me with every fiber of your being! And let me repeat! I am a god!"

"Oh, hell no." I turned to walk away.

"Don't walk away from me!" The Hashira exclaimed.

Tanjiro pulls me backwards. "Let's just give him a chance."

"Tanjiro, you know men with an ego is at the top of my list."

"I know, I know. Let me just..." He says turning back to the Hashira. "What are you the god of, specifically?"

I tilted my head sideways, my mouth gaped, is he really sucking up to this... thing?

"Good question! You have potential!" He says getting into a pose. "I'm the god of flashiness. I'm the god of festivals."

The god of stupid muscles no doubt, I tried to run but Tanjiro kept a firm grip on my hand, I had a cloud of dirt surrounding us by now.

"I'm the king of the mountains! Nice to meet you...God of festivals!" Inosuke says boldly.

"What are you talking about? You sure are creepy!"

Tanjiro let's go of me and throws me to Zenitsu as he grabs Inosuke.

"Huh? What did you say?" Inosuke growls.

"Back off, Inosuke!"

"Zenitsu, get your hands off my breast!" I shouted.

"Ahh!" He moves his hands around. "They're too big!"

"No, your hands are small! Just like everything else!" I elbow him in the face.

"So, there's no time to fool around.  Let's go, follow me." He says taking off in a burst of dirt.

I pushed Zenitsu to the ground and fixed my kimono, realizing that the Hashira had already vanished from my sight.


"He just vanished."

"So fast! Look how far he's gotten! He's no bigger than a sesame seed now!" Zenitsu says, holding his cheek.

"So, this is the power of the god of festivals." Inosuke says enthralled.

"No, that man is Uzui Tengen, a Hashira." Tanjiro assured him.

I huffed. "God of festivals, my ass!"I ran after him, nearing up behind him. Should I push him?

"Akariiiiiiii!" Zenitsu screams from far behind.

My eyes lit up full of life when we entered the entertainment district, it was lively and thriving at this time of night. Nothing like I've seen before. I stood up a little bit leaning on Inosuke for support to look at the lanterns above. Beautiful women are everywhere, stunning really.

"Listen, you four. Don't do anything that'll make you stand out. Remember that we're only here to case the joint. Whatever you do don't leave the carriage-"

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