growing up 2

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Tupac Shakur's pov  I feel like she cared more about the people than her people. When we had time, I was your  mother, n u my son  n stuff, first we mother  n son, then  drill Sargent and  cadet  dictator  ill country  I never  knew  who my father  was  for sure  there were  legs  remember  this country  did have man name j eglor hover to stop  they were accused of blowing  some billings  a black woman  beat the case  that tells u the strength  of a woman  a mouth after  she gives birth to Me I was coveted  in parison  am most like my mother  because  am  arrogant  u said see wen get out  we are not  been taught  to deal with the world  as it is it  was Travis  rasin  in the sun I was I'll kid  we moved around  a lot   they bust through  the door put a gun to her pregnant  belly remember say don't  move bruh  u under  arrest we had to move me n my sister  grew up with  great  minds everything  we move to Baltimore there Moore  provide  the only difference  is we share that  my mom was lost at that point  she  was drugs she was my  hero  I was there three years  of my senor  year  the  school  I went to was mostl white kinds rich white  kids  we stone  broke  I don't  have things I need  I know white people  hate  wen I say this if I had a father   I would  have more   .

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