moving in

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Kidda Jones' pov  is that all  my stuff  yalll  only been together  for four  months. This is a big step to know that right  u two are not married.  I know that  he talked  about  our  father. Well, dad said they had covstion, hey baby  I know I usely  don't  move in wit men after  a few months   hell I don't  either  I guess  so we don't  have to be  going  back n forth  between   my house  n your  house  we talked  about  thus moving in   well this looks so  surprised  I been nice house before   move in wit me what  we barely  know  each other  I take this your  first time  me n Tupac  have been getting  along  moving in big step we not married  yet well one day  we only been talking  four months  now I guess  he did have point  thought  u have to live for u ki  I can't  believe  u keep that  yeah that was his first fashion  show   just keep  doing what u been doing  u drugged  people into the beef  this feel good  none until  hey live a ill kidda  it needs a woman  touch  its been  four days after  getting  outta the hospital   am just happy  that u doing alright  that's  all he healing  up q bit  look at u like it  I want to be the for him  well I guess  we have housewarming  party  to invite  people  to our  new house  shit  I don't  mind that  get my mind off things .

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