death of Orlando Anderson

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1998 Tupac Shakur's pov  well the subject  that  shoot at Tupac Shakur's  n suge  knight  almost  killing  them  has been killed  I guess  I'll never  find  out who shoot me now huh  well it looks like karma  get him good  i never  know  who shot me just saw arm that was about  it  I hated it had to be him I did find out his name well Damm if I knew  that  I wouldn't  have attacked  him  that's  the lesson of today   man if the beef have nothing  to do wit  u  don't  get involved  in  it  sometimes  we can be loyal  to fault  that was yes  man huh well it  happened  so fast   my killer  get his karma  right  back him I hate what happened  to him  mom dukes  was stil upset  about  it he cause u almost  lose your  life   because  u get involved  in something  that had nothing  to do wit   at all  I still  upset  about  suge  bullshit  about   the masters  I already  did  my three  albums  I appreciate  him helping  me n all that  am telling  u pac snopp  says over  the phone  he doesn't  care  about  you  or anyone  else  but himself   he right  baby kidda  says  he wasn't  supposed  to be there  six  years  he has time to thunk about  it   I understand  why  u said  what said   we stil have beef  nawl  man biggie dead thee should  be no beef  wit anybody  its just lend to more death  man well am supise  u called  me.

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