poetic justice permire

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July 23,1993 Tupac Shakur's pov   u did a good job  move, please  here  I was  at the premiere  of my new  movie with janet jackson  of all people was going to be at  Tupac with all the crema Flashing I was wearing  thus kari  kai to the premiere   hey we about  there alright   this was my first time with John  Singleton it wa janet jackson  first movie   somebody  said I don't  know if came  from her said I have to take an adis  test  u did a good job thank  u very much hey John  nice to see u  everybody  said they were  coming  can we get pictures  wit u two  yeah sure  am calling ya alright  this number  has been changed  we meet the year before  working on the firm  damn everybody  n they mama  is in here   pac cube what's nice of u to come u know  u my boy I have to support  ya now  well it look like everybody  liked the movie  I see anybody  that's anybody   at this premiere hey we here alright   let's do this shit  alright   am getting  into acting   this good cast  yeah John  Singleton  dictator  it  welll u see the reviews  joe what up man look at u  I had to tone myself  down to be lucky   he was different  from bishop   he sigle father   I really  had good time on set  besides one lady  tripping   look  u doing the damn thing  I hear ya on there I really  liked played lucky.

life goes on the  Tupac ShakurOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora