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December  25, 1999, kidda Jones pov  hey don't  worry, i got  it   I heard knock  at the door ill get  it hey sorry am late   I almost  pass  this  place if  I didn't  look at the address  again    sorry everyone  is just  Tupac  that's  all will I did bring  gifs  why do I get a feeling  he still  has a problem  wit  me   don't  pay that any  mind  alright  we decided  to go my father  house  for Christmas   u know he is wit  his chirstems  party  those famous  ones I heard so much about   why don't  u n Tupac  come over  it's  not u baby trust me  he has his days   well u can put the gifs  here  nice to have u hear man  well haven't  seen u two since  Thanksgiving  yeah  sorry about  that  well it's the holidays  honey  enjoy  yourself   where are u I ask I almost  there  damn  what the house look like he ask it's a big  house as  i described  the house  ill trun around  now who is that Tupac  aagin  yeah I think he got a bit lost finding  dad house pac  here Quincy  he supports  coming    look it's  so great  to have   my draugter   n son n law here   we going  have fun  marry  Christmas   everyone  enjoy  yourself  alright  look at that a mistoe  very  funny  I laughed  as I give him a kiss hey stop suckin  each other  face come on  we enjoy  the pary  alright  get to for the picture  right  say marry  Christmas  .

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