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August  25, 1999 Tupac Shakur's pov  man, this  the life  we decided  to go  Hawaii  for our  honeymoon   I don't  mean to ruin  the moment  or anything  like that  what's  up it seem like  one of your  firends   saying  I had atuide  I have alot of firends the female  kind desire  Smith   oh yeah her she just a  firend  of mine did u have something  well  I guess  u can say that  that was before  u I was kinda married  before  but after  a few months  i realized married  for the wrong  reasons   I remembered  u telling  me that  yeah had a thing  wit this desire  Smith  girl  I wasn't  seriously thinking  at the time  o didn't  know they would  use that against  me  flashback  your  ill girlfriend  have problems  with me   why so worried  about  look  yeah  we had something  I always  have love for u  let's enjoy  ourselves  baby well alright   this  a good place yeah  am differently  going to remember  this  we took a few pictures  well we did enjoy  ourselves  how about  we go Hawaii  oh yeah I always  wanted  to go I been a few times  share u gave look i married  u  well good thing I got know u more  this  time I took  my time   to get  know  someone  before  I make decisions  like that I don't  regret  it at all sorry about  my dad I guess  am use to it he can be overprotective  at times  don't  worry baby let's enjoy  ourselves  u two have fun.

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