one year anniversary

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August  13, 2000 kidda Jones  Shakur  pov  I want to say I am happy  to have such  a smart, beautiful  woman  by myself   today was our  one year  anniversary  since  we been  am just happy  that  u are in my life we decided  to celebrate  our  one year  anniversary  of being married  now that we are parents  now   happy  anniversary  baby ahhh  baby u are so sweet  well can't  believe  that  u two made it one year  together  well marriage   we went out to celebrate  its time for us u know  wit the baby n all that I enjoy  being  married  to u  well we have to keep this  up then we would  be fine  alright   well lucky to be making it this long two us yeah  that's  real love right  there we had our ups n downs nobody  prefect  we have to take one day at a time   we spend  time together  just don't  overwork yourself  to the ground  I have to honey   we went a nice place  just me  him come n go wit me  alright  no work I want to take somewhere  nice for once alright   u always  been there for me  I can't  I have today my anniversary   look I know I can hard to deal wit  I can a bit  asshole  u rumblings  aagin pac  u are the man I want  so let's enjoy  our anniversary   it's carzy that I never  thought  I walk down the deil  I look at our wedding  picture I have to learn how  .

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