pac & kidda 2

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Tupac Shakur's pov   oh hey baby   well me n your  father  had a talk  I did  say I was sorry  for what I said   about  him n all that  things been cazry  lately  since I did that diss recod n all that fuck em  we did go another  date after  that how things  wit your  pops  it's alright  I guess  could  be better  hey man stop running  in here   look  at yalll   why they  looking  at me like that shit  I don't  know  well I really  enjoyed  being  around you  well I love it anyway  say cheese  yalll   we haven't  been talking  that  long  pac  oh hey man we need to talk I want to say am sorry I really  am  I shouldn't  have said I was just being stupid  well my draugter  seems  to like u  so yeah u were  wrong   for that well the past is the past now   well am glad we did have this talk he did tell me the real  I appreciate  that more then I did  three years ago   we have to take this thing  slow I hope not to slow but am cool with  that  well if any of yall get problem  wit her u have a problem  wit me  well this a start  now welll I was worried  u say no to the date   but glad u did anyway  I wanted  to know  we started  on a bad foot  but look  at us now well am glad u did change your mind   us aagest  the world.

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