off duty

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October  31, 1993 Tupac Shakur's  pov  man that was what the fuck I saw two white men  jumping  a black  man   what the fuck u doing  he bush my window  they pull out their  gun u shoot back self  defense  get down  u under  arrest  what the fuck  I was being put in cuffs  o just came from Clark  Atlanta  just happy  to see two white men jumping a black man   well they claim  u run them over how did I run them over   we have to figure  out what happens   wait a minute  they were  cops  how was supposed  to know they  weree  cops  I never  knew they were  cops  it was self defense  so  we see about  that how could  we knew they were  cops  they look like they  were  drinking  to me  I wasn't  going for that shit   well don't  worry about  it we figured  it let me figure  this  out okay   man o didn't  think o would  see the police  then I should  have   this is someone  serious  Tupac  I know that welll  u Said  it was self defense   right  welll we don't  have the details  just yet  we have to find out first  yeah welll another  bullshit   I have to deal wit  weĺl  it is  what it is I guess   yeah   I did get artsted   for that bullshit   to  I have another  shit to deal wit wit those punk  ass  Hughes  Brothers  now  weĺl after  what u said  man they might use that against  u now this .

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