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Kidda Jones pov  where u taken  me, we been talking  for a while  u have been   there for me whatever  people  say about  you  is wrong  what I want to  say  I want to be with  u forever  oh my God what  are  doing  kidda  will be marry me  I didn't know  what to say  what do u say  yes I love u so much  I kissed him  I really  do love this man how could  u love someone  u only know for a few months  kidda   why can't  u  be happy  be for me he talked  about  our  father  he wanted  to say sorry  he should  have never  said  in the first  place  wen I see him am going  to say am sorry  at the end of the day it's her choice  I really  started  to see him   how he really  was i was conflict  about  it well am still  happy   after  a few  dates  I know this a bit fast  n everything  but I can see myself  with  u  outta  all the men I dated  pac  we been living  together  for awhile  u two can't be  shocking  up of couse dad was a bit upset  about  it  all the stuff u heard  about  just get to know  him whatever  u heard about  him just get to know  him dad  u can date anyone but him like I said ill say am sorry  but am not kissing  nobody  ass  we having a happy  moment  I want to say am sorry  about  that.

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