until the end of time

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March 27,2001 Tupac Shakur's pov  put your  heads  up take these broken  wings   hands  heal me once  aagin  until  the end of time  I was performing  all my songs  am lucky  to  make it this far here I was during  what I haven't  done in awhile  promote  my brand  new  album  man  I haven't  said that in awhile  we have Tupac  Shakur's  in the house  what's  up yalll   it's been awhile  since  I done interview    u been though  alot  for the past few years   ain't  that the truth  what's  makes this album  so different  from the others   for one  it's let's angry  I was angry  on my other  albums   am less angry  now  u know  it's the five  year  anniversary  since  we lost biggie  how have been since his passing  well to be honest  I hate  that we didn't  get the chance  to talk   u know  I love this album  cover  oh yeah figure  do something  different  now  since u gotten out have  changed  I would  say in a way I have  during all the four  years  n stuff   I just hate that I have this hunging  over  my head forever   to answer  your  other  question   I forgot  to answer  it um  I hate that me n big   didn't  get chance  to talk   I hope  whoever  killed  him   u have  talked  about  death in your  songs  before   well at the tike I thought   that way buy after  surviving  getting  shot the second  time  I watch  who I have around  me now .

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