96 Grammy,

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February  28, 1996 Tupac Shakur's pov  California  love how u like this vagcci sweep meat was close  so u know I got all  out for the Grammy   u know how the Grammy  used to be everybody  looking  tried  we have to live it up ill bit my homeboy  kiss we here to present the award   in thr Grammy  goes my other  homeboy  Howie n the blowfish will look who is the Firestarter  what's up  with  alright  I guess  I do hope yalll  win something  I really  do yeah me ill be watching  yalll  profrom  I can't  wait to see it  I was here to present  the award   I had to look clean look at alright   I did get to watch tlc  do three thing  hopefully  in the future  hip  hop   Wil finally  get the love it's needs   Tupac  how u doing good  am just happy  to be out n out whatever  so u finally  out hug yeah  I haven't  heard from  u  minute  busy wit my cheer  n all that  did u hear what tlc said  check it  out  we been doing this for five  years we broke a broke can be  what I thought  they were billing  did I hear u right  yeah I can't  do into to much but it's true wen been having problems  for awhile  now but nobody  listen  that was bold  thing for yall to say u know this  on the front  page  right  well we had to say what wanted  yo say the truth wow ain't  that something.

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