keep your head

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October  28, 1993 Tupac Shakur's pov  some say the blacker  the sweeter the juice  I say the  darker the flash the deeper the roots I I give a Holla to my sister on welfare Tupac cares if don't nobody care  I know they like to beat u down wen u around block brothers clown alot dry your eyes never let up girl  keep your head up wen he tells u ain't nothing don't believe em if u can't learn to love em u should leave em cause sister u don't need em  I ain't hash up just call em like I  see him  u know what's makes me unhappy what's wen young  mother  makes baby  n leave a young mother  to be a  pebbu  since  we all came from a women why we take from our  women   why rape do u hate for me time to kill for our women since a man can't  make one he has no rights  to tell a wome to wen where  to create   one  I know  u fed up ladies but keep your  women  up ohh child things are going to get easy things  are are getting  brighter  I want to tell the real story  what I seee all the time  I happened  to see sister  to wit  her kids  here  thank u pac  no problem  u keep your  head up alright  thank u so much no problems   i really  want to make where  thr ever day person  to unlock  we relased  it toady.

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