Brenda got a baby

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October 20, 1991, Tupac Shakur's pov I hear Brenda  got a baby  but Brenda  barely gets a brain  damn shame the girl can hardly  spell  her name  that's not our  problem  that's up to Brenda's family let me show how it affects our community   Brenda  never  knew her moms her dad was a junkie  put  death into his arms  it's  sad I bet Brenda  doesn't  even know because  u in the ghetto doesn't  u can't  grow  oh that though  my   own revulsion do what I can do to reset  temptation  Breanna got herself  a boyfriend  her cousin   she tried  to hide  her pregnancy from a family  who didn't  care or give a damn  she had a church  of kids  when the check comes  they get first dups Brenda's belly get bigger  but no one noticed   any change  in her figure  she 12 years n she has a baby in love wit her  molester  who sexes her crazy  she thinks  he is with her forever  this about a 12-year-old girl I read about in the newspaper  I just changed  it up an ill bit  I did   notice  how small  the story  getting  smaller  I Don  need u to hear I need u to feel it when  of course  they thought  well wha the subject  matter  was about   I wanted  to mean something  to the I did make a video  for it to  so it could  match what I was rapping  about   am very  proud  of it to  they going to like it watch.

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