Chapter 9 "Triggered"

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Rounding the table, I fetched the broken tracker from my pocket, and dropped it on the table so Violet could take a look at it. Her gaze then shifted from me to the tracker that was now dangling in her hand, and examined it briefly, before putting it back on the table.

I shook my head, thinking about Olivia. She had yet told me about what happened to her back at the Chief's bar. She only answered me vaguely when I asked her, and it seemed like she didn't want to talk about it. The more she tried to avoid talking about it, the more curious I got.

"How did she break it?" Violet began.

"Apparently she got into a fight and one of the bad guys got a hold of it."

"Well, that happens, what's the problem here?"

"I know Olivia and I know when she's lying or keeping something...I asked her twice...or thrice and not one time she looked me straight in the eyes and told me what really happened."

Violet shrugged. "Maybe nothing major really happened and you're just being paranoid, Scar."

"My gut is telling me otherwise."

"So what are you gonna do then?"

"I don't know...keep an eye on her?"

"Goodluck with that, she will know you're into her."

"I need to know what she's hiding so I could stop thinking about it. It's bugging me non-stop."

"Maybe it's best to give her time til she opens up, Scar. She's probably isn't ready to tell you--"

"Or she thinks she couldn't talk about it with me," I finished, causing Violet to purse her lips.

"Whatever Scar, I don't know what to say, I'm not good with this kind of talk, you know," she shrugged.

"I know, V, just wanted someone to share this with," I relented, slumping against the seat across her, feeling frustrated.

I couldn't let this go when it concerned Olivia. Violet may be right, Olivia probably wasn't ready to tell me. I just hoped that I could be more patient, no matter how long it would take for her to open up to me.

As we stayed in silence, the door suddenly flew open, snapping our attention to its direction as Ryan eventually peeked inside.

"Thank goodness you're here, Scar," he said, slightly out of breath.

"What's up, Rye?" I replied.

"Come quick, it's Olivia..."

I frowned as I stood up, "What about her?"

"She...has gone mad!" Ryan mumbled in exaggeration, but it was enough for me to scurry to the door and out of the room.

"Lead the way," I said as Ryan immediately led us the way.

I didn't know what he actually meant by Olivia going mad, but the fact that he was out of breath looking for me, and saying something like that, had me curious and confused. It was the first time someone would say about my girlfriend going mad.

Ryan led us to the training room where I saw a few recruits huddled together, and cheering loudly. Normally I would have reprimanded them, but I was too eager to know what they were cheering on.

Pushing through the crowd, I reached in front and eventually saw who were they cheering on. In the middle of the room were Olivia and Arya, both in a fighting stance. Arya's back was on me, while Olivia was facing in my direction, so I could see her easily. As I got a clearer view of her face, I noticed blood had trickled down her lips, but what got me disturbed was the look of pure hatred written on her face. It was the same look I saw that night when her father had died. Now I was seeing it again, I had no idea what Arya had done this time to anger her this much.

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