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It's a new day, the birds are chirping and the sun is rising, Minjeong is still sleeping in her room since last night Jimin left for work issues, Jimin received many complaints about a secretary in her father's company about a male worker harassing his female coworkers secretly, you know it, Jimin had to go and deal with him, She was at the office looking for him until she finally spotted him in the corridor chatting with his male coworkers, The harasser's name was, Jackson Wang, a well-known celebrity that recently got heavily hated on and contract terminated by his K-pop entertainment company as his contract with Adidas revealed something hateful, His cotton used in clothes was made by forced labor, Jimin approached him with fury, She was a little taller than him, His coworkers immediately knew what was going to happen, They stepped aside and ran off to a corner to spy, "Are you finally back to apologize?" Jackson stated, raising his chin, glaring at Jimin, " Apologize? Shouldn't you be the one apologizing to me and your coworkers?" Jimin scoffed, now her eyes reaching a boiling hot red, her pupils narrowing into a diamond shape as she crossed her muscular, large arms, intimidating everyone, as everyone heard the commotion, they gathered from a distance, witnessing what was happening, "Your greedy father paid me only 100k won a month, do you know how low that is compared to my other past jobs?" Jackson angrily said, With a swipe down Jimin's tie, she shoved her hands to her pockets as she shot a furious glare at him, "Are you fucking insane? You should be grateful my father at least offered you a job here, With all the commotion and media hate you caused, It's a shame to have you working here Wang." Jimin furiously faced him, looking down as Jackson was short compared to her, whispers erupt frum the crowd gathering to hear the conversation from behind, Jackson was at a loss of words, Jimin then continued to further expose him infront of the whole staff team, They were recording this and Jimin saw it, she stole a glance at the phones and cameras and gave Jackson a mischievous grin, "Don't act like you didn't sexually harassed those three female coworkers you forcefully brought home one by one to." Jimin spat out loudly, loudly for everyone to hear it, Time seemed to have slowed down. For a moment, Jimin felt satisfied, Everyone didn't expect this from Jimin, Sure, they had encountered an angry Jimin a few times before but not till this point, Jimin sounded serious... and dangerous, "Y-You!" Jackson screamed, his voice heavy and tired, Jimin turned to the crowd who was recording it and gave them a satisfied smile, " This is who most of you people used to admire had turned to." Jimin looked at the cameras, She turned back to Jackson who was attempted to run away but she caught Jackson just in time with her strong arms, " You aren't going anywhere." Jimin whispered into his ear, Jimin tackled Jackson to the ground, Turning him backwards where his hands are together, Jimin put her right foot on Jackson's hands so he won't be able to move, Leaving Jackson horrified as he groaned, trying to speak but he couldn't, " Security! " One of Jimin's workers screamed, Security came running to get Jackson, by the time Jimin's done, the cops have already arrived, Jackson is seen in handcuffs as the police team takes him away, Jimin glares at him for one last time, grinning, Jackson was furious that he was caught, But he had no remorse of what he's done, Jimin looked at the crowd who were still filming, They gave her an applause, " The victims of Jackson Wang, please stand aside here with me." Jimin called out for the women who were tortured by him, one young lady stepped aside, in tears as her sleeves was soaked wet, Jimin was quick to comfort her, " I'm dearly sorry about him ma'am, He will be arrested and thrown in jail for the rest of his life, I will make sure he does." Jimin looked at the poor woman not being able to hold back her tears, " T-Thank you so much, Mrs. Yuu," The lady cried, Jimin hugged her to comfort her, " T-the other two women didn't come to work." The lady stuttered, The crowd was still recording this, " Please inform them that their harasser has been put in jail." Jimin winked, still trying to comfort the lady, "I'm so sorry, I will compensate you and the victims of Jackson, 40,000 won, I am not trying to hush this down but try to apologize, I know no amount of money will fix what he had done to you and the other ladies, but just take it, I feel horribly bad for you and the ladies." Jimin assured her, " T-Thank y-you." The lady bowed as Jimin bowed to her back, " I'm tired now, Please take the rest of the day off you too." Jimin said with a soft voice as she left.

Jimin's POV:

"What Jackson did was too fucking horrible, I won't ever forgive that thing for what it has done to my precious workers" I thought, I'm heading home now, I'm too exhausted to work right now, I get on my maserati and slam the door shut, I start the engine and drive fast because I really want to rest right now, I smirk in satisfaction as I see I've exceeded the speed limit, 70 but I don't really care if I'm going 150 mph, I just want to get home to my Minjeong.

Jimin reached her house, She opened the door and entered, She went to Minjeong's room without a thought, She knocked on the door and heard a, " Come in." Minjeong said, Jimin did as told and opened the door to see Minjeong in nothing but her bra and shorts, " Hey, Where were you?" Minjeong asked as she crossed her legs, tilting her head slightly with a sexy smirk, Jimin was flustered, her cheeks went bright red, " Somewhere without you and I missed you badly." Jimin said as she locked the door with one had, her focus on Minjeong, She hopped on Minjeong's lap and gently pushed her to lay down, they cuddled, " I missed you so much baby." Minjeong whined to Jimin who was caressing her hair, " I missed you too love." Jimin whined back as she buried her face in Minjeong's chest, She was too tired, All she wanted to do was relax with Minjeong, Minjeong giggled a bit when she saw how tired Jimin was, Minjeong patted Jimin's head softly, Jimin's hot, heavy breaths were on Minjeong's collarbone, Minjeong shivered, she felt so aroused but could do nothing as her baby Jimin was tired, Jimin soon dozed off and took a nap, Minjeong kissed Jimin's forehead, " Goodnight my precious Jimin, You worked too hard today." Minjeong whispered, She also fell asleep after a boring day without Jimin, The two continued to sleep and cuddle for hours.

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