Fixing Things

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It's only been a few hours after the Jiminjeong couple slept, Jimin suddenly got up and was awake to see Ning and Aeri eating and talking together, sitting next to each other in the dining room.

Ning noticed Jimin who just woke up but still seems pretty barefaced, "Come join us!" Ning exclaimed, making sure not to wake up a sleeping Minjeong, Jimin joined them at the table.

"How was Minjeong doing for the past couple of days?" The concerned older girl asked as she stared at the two, waiting for an answer.

"Not well," Aeri spoke stuffing food into her mouth, This only concerned Jimin more.

"Treat her well, I'm not sure if she's still mad at me, here." Jimin reached into her pocket for a piece of paper, Ning and Aeri only stared at each other in confusion, Jimin signed it, She slid them the paper.

The two read the paper and their jaws dropped, Jimin had given Aeri 500 USD, 670k won, Their eyes widened, and looked at Jimin once more, speechless, Jimin only gave them a smirk.

"Tell me if it isn't enough." 

Jimin said with a straight face, "I-It's too much!" Ning exclaimed, her jaw still dropped, Jimin's grin only grew wider, " Good then." Jimin gave them a flirty smile.

Jimin looked at her Rolex watch to check the time, " Only midnight, wanna go out for a ride?" Jimin asked, looking all swag, raising one of her eyebrows, that was enough to persuade the two.

"A-Alright." Aeri stuttered, Aeri only stared at Ning in surprise, The two agreed and they followed Jimin to her luxurious, shining Ferrari outside their apartment.

"T-This is your car!?" Ning asked, Her eyes widened, shocked at such an expensive car getting into her area.

"Mhm, I'm Yu Jimin after all." Jimin only smirked, Opening the car door for both of them, Ning and Aeri sat in the backseat as Jimin drove the car.

Jimin rolled all the windows down, Letting the breezy wind hit them, as soon as the traffic light hit red, It was her time to shine, Breaking the law as always, She sped illegally, cruising through the road.

" Do you always speed?"  Aeri asked, surprised and kind of scared, " You don't?" The older replied with a confident tone, Ning was already in love with Jimin, she approved of her and Minjeong already.

Aeri only giggled, "Jimin is so cool!" Ning stated excitedly, looking out the window, admiring the city view while Aeri admired the view of the love of her life, Ning YiZhuo.

The three women felt the breezy wind hit them, They all felt relieved and calm, Soon enough the ride was done, and Jimin dropped them off at their place.

" See you guys." Jimin said, giving them yet another cold but wide grin, " See you too Jimin!" Ning waved goodbye as Aeri followed her and waved goodbye too, " Jimin actually loves her." Aeri breathed out as the two were making their way up the apartment.

" Yeah, It was all a misunderstanding," Ning stated back, The two held hands, it felt calm and peaceful, they felt the love hit them, Enjoying the silence till they made it back to their room.

It was still a few 10 or 20 minutes past midnight when they reached back, Minjeong was still sleeping, and Aeri was still shocked at the check Jimin gave her under Aeri's name, "670k won, just for Minjeong." Aeri breathed out, looking at Ning as she sat on the bed, "I know, Jimin loves to spoil her." Ning uttered, glancing at Minjeong who was sleeping soundly, hugging her pillow thinking it was Jimin.

The couple soon decided it was their time to sleep too so they got on their shared bed and cuddled till they slept.


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