Guilty Till Proven Innocent

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The two woke up in Jimin's car, still in there after what happened last night, Jimin quickly drove to their house before Minjeong woke up, Once they were there, Jimin slowly covered Minjeong's body up, Jimin bridal-style carried Minjeong to her room, Taking her belongings with her, Once Minjeong woke up, Jimin had already put her in her bedroom, Jimin left to somewhere as Minjeong checked her phone for 45+ unread notifications, she opened them and was shocked to see what was there.

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Ninggy: I kicked Jimin out of this groupchat to tell you this Minjeong, You won't believe this.

Aeri: Minjeong, please get online.

Ninggy: I feel bad for Minjeong honestly, How could Jimin do that?

Aeri: I'm not sure though, Maybe those are rumors.

Minjeong: Huh? What?

Ninggy: I don't know how to say this to you Minjeong.

Minjeong knows this is going to be bad as whenever her friends don't call her by her nickname, It's something serious.

Aeri: Jimin was spotted outside a nightclub last night with Jackson Wang, I thought he was in jail but maybe he was bailed out by Jimin!??

Minjeong: W-What?..

Ninggy: We have photos..

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Minjeong froze as she saw the pictures, it all felt too surreal, But Jimin was with her all night long last night? How can it be her?

Minjeong: Nonsense, She was with me all night?...

Aeri: Maybe she left you and went with Jackson?

Minjeong: ....

Ninggy: I feel bad for you.

Aeri: I'm sorry to be the one telling you this Minjeong, But the pictures seem too real, There's even Jimin's mole next to her mouth!

Ninggy: how can it be!??? I thought Jimin really loved Minjeong?

Minjeong: i knew it, how would she love a nobody like me?

Ninggy: don't think like that winterr, Maybe it's fake and heavily edited?

Minjeong: I'm going to be crashing at you and Aeri's place.

Aeri: Okay okay, Just stay strong, I'll pick you up.

Minjeong couldn't help but feel betrayed, She felt so heartbroken, How could Jimin be so reckless with her heart? Minjeong packed her things angrily, filled of jealousy and sadness, Jimin was nowhere to be found but Jaemin was there.

"Where are you heading off to, Minjeong?" Jaemin asked as he was wiping the table, " Somewhere far away from this place." Minjeong said, trying badly to hide her tears, " I know you saw those fake pictures of her with Jackson, but those aren't real Minjeong, You have to believe me." Jaemin tried to tell her but Minjeong had already left, sobbing uncontrollably, She got on Aeri's car.

"I'm so sorry Minjeong." Aeri comforted the younger who was in the passenger's seat, looking out the window, zoning out while trying to hide her tears, Minjeong looked so emotionless and peaceful, How could Jimin do this to her?

Minjeong was quiet, a million things were going through her mind, She felt heartbroken and pained, The love of her life, Just betrayed her so suddenly, " What did I do? Why did you do this?" were just one of a million thoughts that were going in Minjeong's mind, " We're here." Aeri said as she opened the car door for a sad, heartbroken Minjeong, Aeri felt sad seeing her best friend like that.

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