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The next day had begun, Jimin was still so tired and knocked out from last night, Minjeong was already in her uniform, sitting next to Jimin on the bed, "Come on lazy bone, get up," Minjeong teased as she tugged on a tired Jimin's arm.

"You can say that as you didn't destroy my insides."

The older said as she gets up and stretches her arms, back arched in relief, The younger could only grin as she knew she was responsible, " Hehe.." was all she murmured before getting up and sitting on another chair next to her bed.

Jimin forced herself up, rubbing her eyes as she looked at the sunrise through the window, admiring the sun as Minjeong admires her, Minjeong hasn't felt love like this in a long while, it felt relieving after finding the love of her life quickly, well, after 23 years, but that's not the point.

Minjeong wasn't sure if Jimin remembered but, She was in the same college as her, and they attended lectures in the same room, Jimin was always surrounded by her female friends and would always get admired by boys but she never dated any of them, she only dated people after college.

Minjeong's POV:

Those days, when I did nothing but sat in an empty seat, and ignore what the teacher was teaching, my full attention was on you, admiring your mesmerizing self, wondering if you were real, you feel so surreal, those delicate lashes of yours, the endless void of brown in your pupil, getting deeply lost into those eyes, getting caught not paying attention and gets scolded, but it didn't matter, as long as I could gaze at your beauty, I was happy, your kind soul, the way your eyes squinted while laughing, trying to understand your friend's jokes, the way you quickly look at your friends when they call your name and saying " Hm?" or "Yes?", Those days, I loved them so much, oh how I wish I could make you feel loved.

There were times you would gaze at me back during lectures, and you would always smile at me as our eyes met, I would think about it day and night, It hurt that you only smiled in a polite way back, that you wouldn't ever look at me in a romantic way, I used to admire your beauty and kindness from afar, like when you got asked out by many guys outside the school privately, you would always reject them politely and be quiet, unlike your lousy female friends who always rejected every guy that confessed to, in a loud way, letting everyone hear and embarrassing the guy, no wonder you would be loved the most by everyone.

You would always head my way, but never to me, I don't blame you for it though, your friends were always behind or next to me, Every time you did, my heart would always race, even though you didn't come for me, I would still do the exact same whenever you approached your friends that were near me.

You were like morning fog, A cold person that would always have effect on me, Leaving me missing your presence whenever you were absent, It hurt looking at you laughing with your friends, knowing I would never get the chance to love you directly, but now I have the chance, And I'll treasure it baby.

Minjeong was lost in her thoughts as she didn't notice Jimin was now next to her, Jimin gave her a sweet kiss on her cheek, "Hehe," Jimin giggled as she ran out of the room, leaving a flustered Minjeong's heart pound fast again.

"This girl... " Minjeong thought as she touched her cheek, getting up to look in the mirror if it was real, She looked in the mirror and there it was, Jimin's lipstick from last night's stain on her right cheek, she was blushing as she looked at the mark.

Minjeong quickly got back to her senses, rushing downstairs to start her shift, She saw Jaemin who was focused on fixing something, She didn't pay attention and just went in the kitchen to find work to do, She washed the dishes.

The day went fast unexpectedly, it was going smooth so far, The time quickly hit 5 PM, Jimin was back home before you knew it, Jimin entered the house with her necktie loose, her hair ruffled, her eyes filled of tears, a bit red around the corners.

Minjeong was shocked by Jimin's appearance, It looked like she was back after crying wholeheartedly, "Love." Jimin managed to utter between heavy breaths, "My father's about to die, He's on life support." Jimin sighed, rubbing her forehead in depression.

"What's going on?" Minjeong asked, lifting a heartbroken Jimin's chin, The short-haired put her arms around the heartbroken girl's shoulders.

"H-His kidneys are failing, and there is no possible donor for him, Not even me! I begged the doctors desperately to do something but they said they couldn't, It's all my fault, It's my fault, I'm guilty-" Jimin was cut off after Minjeong turned Jimin's face to look at her, " Listen, It wasn't your fault Jimin, Death is inevitable to everyone, I'm so sorry about him." Minjeong comforted Jimin.

"His last wish before he dies is to see me marry you, Minjeong, Let's please make our wedding happen, Can you? Please." Jimin begged her eyes turning into waterfalls, Minjeong was shocked at the sudden request, but she understanded the situation, " Alright love, Now, don't cry, I can't bare seeing my precious Jimin cry." Minjeong whined as she gently reached for a tissue on the table and tenderly wiped Jimin's tears.

Jimin smiled at the sweetness of Minjeong, but she didn't say a word, she only looked deeply into Minjeong's eyes, they were filled of concern and worry, "Minjeong..", the older uttered, slowly tugging the younger's wrist, " Let's have the wedding next week, as soon as possible, does it sound okay to you?" Jimin asked, only staring at Minjeong for an answer nervously.

"Of course, for the meantime, you should rest love, you look all tired and tense." 

Minjeong requested, pulling the long-haired's arm over her shoulders, halfway carrying her as she guides Jimin to her room, She locked the door and gently placed Jimin on her bed, just as she was about to leave, she felt almost steel arms pull her back.

"Don't go."

Jimin whined, pulling Minjeong in strongly with just one arm, the younger was now ontop of Jimin, her legs were separated, like riding Jimin, Jimin got a hold of the younger's waist, she scooted back a bit, bringing Minjeong along as Jimin rested her back on the wall behind them.

Jimin's grip on Minjeong strengthened, The two glanced at each other with so much thoughts visible in their eyes, Minjeong pulled her into a wet kiss, making sure to make Jimin forget about her father and the sad part for now, She wanted to pleasure her, so she wouldn't feel sad just for tonight.

Minjeong placed wet kisses all over Jimin's neck, Making her groan, Jimin's right hand grabbed the sheets, taking the sheets along with her as her left hand stayed in place on Minjeong's waist.

The two shared a desirable time together, till the point they were both exhausted and wanted to sleep in each other's arms, They fell asleep soon enough, In each other's arm, feeling safer than ever.

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