Long live Mr. & Mrs. Desmond!

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It's just like yesterday when I met her, and when she punched me for the first time. I guess that's also the time when I started feeling unusual towards her. 

Back then, she was annoying. Really annoying that she follows me everywhere I go, it's creepy, but it's cute of her. 

Those times that we were so innocent and a bit of clueless. Those times were precious to me. 

When the time that I confessed to her, I was so nervous. Nervous that she might reject me. When she said yes to me, I was the happiest man alive and swore to her that I will love and cherish her with all my life.

I love her so much that I can't let anyone have her.

The time when I found out her true intentions, I was hurt. Really hurt that I didn't mean to her as well. I was furious at her, but I can't stay furious at her that long. 

I can still remember when she have already arrested my Father and my brother. I was also hurt that she's arresting them, but they were criminals, they have to pay.

I remember the time that I saw her with Ava and Dom for the first time. I really thought she just moved on from me, and I was an idiot for waiting for her for years.

When I found out that they were mine, I was so glad that she didn't replaced me, but later did I know that she was on my brother.

Five months ago, I propose to her. It was as grand as it should be. 


"Damian, where are we?"

"Just trust me."

"Sure, but the last time you said that, you almost got me in so much trouble, and why do I have to wear a blind fold?"

"Because this is a surprise."

"Good or bad surpri-"

"Alright, we're here!"

"Ok, get this thing off me, now, please."

When I took the blind fold off, she was amazed by the nature. I brought her to a romantic picnic since she doesn't like some expensive. 

Minutes later, while we were eating, there's a fireworks, and I knew that's my cue to move. 

She was standing to have a better look on it.  "Wow, Damian. Did you do this?" She was amazed. 

When the fireworks wrote the Will you marry me, Anya-can. I got into one knee and she was about to cry.

"Anya, since I met you, I knew you were different from other girls, and you are. You are one of a kind. You are my life, and I can't survive a day without you. Anya Forger, will you do the honor to be my bride to be the mother of Ava and Dom's younger siblings. Will you marry me?" I said and Anya has tears of joy.

"Yes. Yes, Damian! I will marry you!" She said as I put the ring around her finger then kissed.


Now, looking at her walking at the isle going towards me is making want to cry, I know for a fact that I shouldn't. With her wedding dress that falls perfectly to the floor is just making her perfectly beautiful.

Yor-san had already let her go, but Loid-san didn't.

"Honey, you have to let her you go, now." Mom said.

Loid-san took a deep breaths, then hugs her, and finally gave her to me.

"You better not make her cry again, Desmond"

"That will never happen again, Mr. Forger."

"You can call me, dad if you want." He said, and we smiled to each other.


"Now, for your wedding vows?" The priest said.

"I'll go first." I said. "Anya, since the day I met you, I knew you weren't some fan girl who always follows me around. You were doing your job, for your dad. The person who saved you from that hell, and the person who led you to me. My woman. My bride. My future. I promise to love, cherish, and take care of you. I, Damian Desmond, will take you as my beautiful wife, in sickness and in health."

"That was lovely, Mr. Desmond. What about you, Ms. Forger?"

She took a deep breaths to gather some courage to say anything. "Damian, when I first saw you, I thought you were a dork, and you are." She said then laughed. "But, when I get to know you better, you weren't just a dork, you were a kind-hearted person, and I took advantage on that. Using your feeling for me and deceiving you like that was my worst decision that I have ever made. We have been dating for more than a year that time, and when you found out about my real intentions, I was hurt. It gotten worse when I thought you and my best friend were dating. Then years gone by, our paths crossed again, and I was over the moon when I saw you again. And so, from this day on, I promise to love, cherish, and take care of you. I, Anya Forger, take you as my handsome husband, in sickness and in health."

"Wow." The priest said almost tearing. "Hold hands please?" We did as we were told. "Do you, Damian Desmond, take Anya Forger as your lawfully wedded wife. In sickness and in health, until death do you apart?"

"I do." I said looking deep into her teary eyes.

"Do you, Anya Forger, take Damian Desmond as your lawfully wedded Husband. In sickness and in health, until death do you apart?"

"I do."

"By the power and vest in me, I pronounce you, husband and wife." He announced. "You may kiss the bride."

I then took off her veil off her face, then put my hand on her waist and kissed her passionately. Our kiss was a bit long and a bit of intense. When I broke the kiss, she was all red, and I just can't believe that she's finally my Mrs. Desmond.


Tonight is the night for our first night as a married couple.

I just finished taking shower, and she's in the bathroom taking a shower. How I want to go in there and put this thing in her, but I have to wait. 

UGH! This bulge of mine is so obvious, I have to calm it down, but how? Right after that thought, she finally came out, and she's wearing only a robe.

Man she's so hot in it.

I smirk as I come over to her.

Before I could react or do something, she pulled me for a kiss, and suddenly hold it. 

Gosh, I forgot she can read minds. I thought. 

She broke the kiss, then pushed me into the bed and crawled on me. "Oh, baby. I don't have to read your mind to know what you are thinking." She said as she untied my ribbon on my robe and revealed my standing cock.

Before I know it, she's already sucking it, how I missed that feeling. 

She kept doing it, on and on. It feels addicting as I held her head to do it deeper, and I suddenly cum. 

"Oh, yummy." She said and I flipped over.

"My turn, baby." I said as I starts licking it. 

Every moans from her lips was everything to me, I missed that sound she make when we were making love back in the day. 

I can even remember our first time doing it.

After licking her pussy that seemed like hours even if it's only five minutes, I finally decided to put it in. 

I lost control when I heard her moan. 

The more he moans, the faster I thrust in her. 

Man, the way she sounds is so different her everyday sound. I can't explain it, but I know to myself that she's different. Different from those fan girls of mine, and they were probably sluts.

"Damian." She said a bit of anger in her tone.

It's been almost five hours and we're still on it, I will never get tired on fucking her, but she might not be able to walk tomorrow, so I eventually stopped.

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