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After bidding out goodbyes to our parents with our wide smiles, we went to school.

Dom and I were just walking because it's not that far, plus we need some times alone to think about our little plan.

Well, I was just thinking pinning him in a corner or trap him in a classroom, but if he knows how to fight, that'll be a problem. 

If he knows how to fight, I will have to hold back to make sure that he doesn't get so much injury.

If he outsmarted me, well, I have to think fast to defeat him. I mean, he i one of the members of the science club with me. So... it's kinda a problem.

"So, are you going to tell what you're planning now that we're alone?" He broke my train of thought.

I normally get pissed every time he interrupts my train of thought, but not this time.

"Hm, I was thinking that I will be pinning or trap him in an empty classroom and outsmart him."

"Is that even a plan?"

"Not entirely."


"Fine, fine. I actually came with a plan after that meeting last night." I said. "Plan A is to get his attention."

"So, it's a honey trap?"

"Hmm... Kinda, yeah..." I wasn't really sure if I can really call it as a honey trap. "Plan B is when you step in, if I need your help or if something tells you that you should go and follow."

"Why do I have to wait?"

"Because I have to study him closely."

"Isn't he part of a club you are in?"

"Yes, and no, we are not close!"

"I know, but the way he looks at you is just something else."

"What does that supposed to mean?"

"Ava, I am your twin brother, I know when someone has an interest in you. Unless you forgot that I am a man." He said as he put his both hands on my shoulders.

"Really?" I said then looks at him from head-to-toe.


"Nothing, I thought you're my twin sister." I said breaking free from his large and heavy hands.

"Hey, I am not a girl!" He shouted.

I didn't have to turn around to know on how red he is because I can bet that he is as red as tomato.

I then ran away from him as he chase me until we arrive to school.

It was a fun fun-run. Him being so pissed while I enjoy making him as red as a tomato, but we ended up racing going to school. That's why it's a fun run.

When we entered the campus, we see our partners waiting for us in the lobby.

"Hey, what took you so long?"

"Sorry, we only walk all the way here."

"You walk all the way here?"

"Hey, Emma. No need to be a worried girlfriend for my brother he's alright."

"But he's all red- Wait! Is he having a fever?" 

"Well, I actually-"

"Uh, I'm going to men's room. Richard, come with me." He said pulling Richard with him then glance at me.

I really don't wanna get them two involve to this but he said we will be needing more help than we expected.

"Hey, Emma, how much time do we still have before the first period?"

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