Unexpected mess

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It's almost been a month since she hanged out with her 'friends' and since they kissed. She still can't figure out on what she's going to, but it bothers her more that her brother stopped bragging about them getting them back in their lives.

She was glad, but at the same time, she knows something was off. 

Dom rarely hangs out with his friends, but not he's been in and out of the apartment. He even stopped bringing sluts over.

Ava was glad, but she knows something was off, and she will figure it out sooner or later.

But, today, they have to stay focus on their school activity.

Dom and Ava participated in a cooking competition for fun, but Dom did not signed up for fun. He signed up to prove that he can cook, and he will let Emma taste test it.

Dom made Yakisoba Noodles and Takoyaki, while Ava made Okonomiyak and Katsudon, and these recipe that they are preparing were their favorite. 

When they were done, it was time for the judges to taste test. 

What the judges are going to rate were their presentation, cleanliness, and it's taste. It should not be too bitter, too sweet, too salty, it should be just right.

When everything was settled, Dom then grabbed a plate  to put his dish on it. Of course, he did his best to make it looked good to make his girls even hugnrier.

"Uh, Dom?"


"To whom are you going to give that?"

"Uh, to a friend."

"Who exactly is this friend?"

"Emma." He replied like it was nothing.

"Emma?" She repeated. "As in Emma Myers." She clarified.

Once he was done, he carried the plate as he made his way to the exit, and he could feel his sister's confusion stare, so he stopped and turned his head a little to her. "Yes." With that, he made his way to the court.

Emma is a cheerleader, while Richard is a basketball player.

When he got there, it was a perfect timing that it was already lunch time.

"Hey, Emma!" He called and she walked towards him without any hesitations.

"Hey, what are you doing here? I was on my way to the shower then to the cafeteria."

"I know you're exhausted, so I brought you something." He said then showed the plate.

Emma's eyes turned wide as she saw all of her favorite food in it. "Dom, all of these are..."

"I know, and I cooked all of them just for you." She looked at him as if she doesn't believe him. "Ok, now, say ah."

Emma smiled cutely then did as she was told. "Mm, it was delicious."

"Thank you."

"Hey, my turn. Now, say ah."

Dom smiled then just opened his mouth to meet his food.

Not so far from them, there were fan girls of Dom, and fan boys of Emma. Bot just that, Richard was there, and decided to go to the kitchen lab. 

When she got there, she saw Ava all alone, and she looked so stressed.

He sneaked up on her, she actually caught off guard because of her almost-disturbing thoughts. And by her instincts, she pinned him on the sink.

"Richard?!" She was surprise to see him.

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