Run away or face it

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Ava's POV

I have avoided Richard the whole week, and I know that I have been hurting him more. I just hope that he told no one about it, if he did, Dom and I would be in so much trouble.

"Where are you going?" My annoying brother asked while watching T.V.

"I'm hanging out with some friends."

That got his attention. "Friends?" He repeated as he turn to me looking at me from head-to-toe. "Ava, where are you going? Really. Plus, you don't really wear skirts when you're hanging out with some- Who are these friends you've been talking about?"

"Lana and Gia."

"Lana and Gi- Ava, they're sluts! You can't just hang out with them!"

"What makes you say that they are?"

"I once slept with them, ok?" He said. "Plus, when I rejected them, I think they're now bi."

"I know."

"Well, if you know why are you still hanging out with them?!"

"Dom, you can have anyone you want, but I can't?"

"Ava, I'm trying to protect you."

"I know, but I'm no longer that little girl who needs to be protected."

"UGH. You know what? Do whatever you want. Go to them if you want." He said then turn to the T.V, and when I was about leave he called out my name. "And Ava?"


"If you need me or want me to pick you up, just call, ok?"

"Why would I need or want you to pick me up?"

"I don't know, I just had a gut feeling that they're up to no good."

"Like I said-"

"-not a little anymore." He said. "I know, just go and have fun."

When I got down from my apartment building, they were already here. They had a Mercedez roofless C-class. 

"Hey, girl!"

"Hey." I said looking at the car, and it seemed to be fake. 

"Come on, hop in." Lana said.

I smiled then I hopped in the car.

As soon as I got in, I looked up and saw Dom looking at me with worried expression.

It only took twenty-five minutes when we arrived to Gia's house.


"So, what exactly are we going to do here?" I asked.

Gia and Lana then looked at each other. 

"You do know that we're lesbian right?"

"Yeah? And?"

"And we're dating."

"Well, that's good to hear." They then walked towards me with a suspicious look. "UH, guy? What's going on?" I asked, then all of a sudden, Lana squished my cheek and kissed me. 

Fuck, I should've listened to Dom! 

When she broke the kiss, I was speechless. 

"What?" She asked in amused.

"Well, would you believed me that was my first kiss?" They got confused. "Of a girl...?"

"Oh, that we believed." Gia said.

For the first time ever, I got scared of going to be fucked. I should've listened to Dom's warning.

I was now naked, and so as they. 

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