United couple

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Dom's POV

Ever since I found out that potion expires, I was even more eager to have Emma back. My Emma.

The fact that I see her her everyday in my school, I still don't feel talking to her, but she's making the moves.


I was just with my friends, casually talking about stuff, when she suddenly came up to me.

"Dominic, meet me at the school garden after school, don't be late." 

After saying that, she just left like nothing is happening, and my friends would tease me of her.

When I got to the school garden, she was there waiting for me. "You were late."

"No, I wasn't."

"Yes, you are."

"No, I am not. My teacher dismissed us longer than I expected."


I scoff with a little smirk on my face. "Why exactly did you want to meet up with me here?" I asked. Bet she want me like the rest of the girls. I thought.

"Well, you see..." She started. "I want you to come to my house. I-I am alone and I also need your help with our chemistry homework."

When I heard her reason, I burst out laughing.

"H-Hey! It's not funny!" She said with a blush.

When I look at her face, it was so cute that I could pinch it.

"Alright, alright. I'm sorry, ok?" I said as I hold my laugh to calm down. And I call myself one-of-the-organization. I thought. "You are having a hard time on our chemistry subject?"

"Who doesn't?" She said, and I looked at her with my rising eye brow. "Oh, sorry."

"It's ok. Do you need me now?"

"Yeah, I do." She said really alluring. "I-I mean, I need you to help me with that homework."

"Sure." I said with a smirk.

"Hey, stop that kind of face, will you!"

"What face?" I asked as I lean closer and I just received a playful slap. 

"That face, stop that."

"Whatever you say." I said with a smirk.

When I got in her car, I knew I'm going back to her house. Where that mob-psycho lives. I just can't believe that bastard is her father.

I couldn't look at her face, because the more we're alone and I look at her, the more guilt I feel.

I can even barely see my reflection through the window, but I can see more the beggars begging for some money.

I wish I could just-

"Stop the car." She suddenly spoke, and the car stopped. 

She went out from the car, and I followed her. 

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked, but she completely ignored me. 

Little did I know that she has a good heart. Could be the purest.

I get to see Emma's another side, and I like this side of hers.

Seeing Emma feeding these poor children and beggars made me love her all over again. It's like she reminded me of myself when I secretly feed some poor children.

"Hey, are you ok?" She asked.

I then got back to the reality when I heard her voice close to me. I didn't even noticed her walked towards me. 

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