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"Will it be alright if we wait for a while for them?"

"Yeah..." Emma nod.

"Not a problem, ma'am and sir." Richard confirmed.

"Ok, first things first." Anya said with a serious and almost cold tone then changed in a split seconds. "You may call us auntie and uncle, ok?"

"O...k"  Both of them said.

They knew that Anya, their mother, is a spy so it was no surprise that her shifting expressions and emotions are easy for her. 

"So, how long have you been friends with our twins?"

Emma and Richard exchanged glances due to nervousness but calmed. All they have to to do is to remember what they have told them, and that's...

"Well, as you can remember, we were classmates."

"Yeah, but how long have you been friends, I mean?" 

Anya may have a cheerful and friendly smile, but she's actually interrogating them in an easy way.

"Well, since last year."

"Hm? Last year." Anya said putting the tea on the table and sits straight then gives her husband a glance.

"Wh-What she's trying to say is we have been classmates since last year and this last few months we have gotten close." Richard rescued Emma from her carelessness but that wasn't enough for them to be believed by Agent Empath.

"Is that so?" Anya is acting all innocent.


They knew if they have just a little thought they'd be damned, but if they don't it'll be more suspicious.

Anya narrowed her eyes towards them to hear their thoughts but nothing.

 "Something wrong?"

"Ah, it's nothing kids." Damian backed her up with a smile. "How about you two call the twins and tell them that lunch is ready. yeah?"


Both of them were scared of their parents, and even though they knew that their Father was no spy like the three of them, they're still scared. Specially Richard.

"Go call your boyfriend, I'll go call my girl."


It was awkward yet they still have the courage to knock on their door.

Emma knocked on his door three times or more, but no answer. The same goes to Richard.

They didn't know if they should knock on their door more or just come inside without them knowing.

There's a little thought of them that they might still be changing but they still came in, and the sight of a Greek God and a porn star body they saw.

She was just about to exit the room while explaining "I-I-I'm sorry, I thought I just come in and-" But Dom didn't let her finish her statement and kiss her by pinning her on his door.

Richard looked away with a blush . "S-Sorry, didn't know you were still changing." Richard said who was about to exit when...

"Richard." Her voice made him stopped not because she's tempting him but her voice sounded cold and serious. For Richard, it almost sounded like her mother before.


"Stop acting like you hadn't seen everything- Come here."

"Oh, ok..."

Damianya Season 3 (fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now