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Yosuke's POV:

A strip joint. Of course.

I mean, what was I expecting, really? After her show and everything...

I should be excited. I should be exhilarated. I should feel GREAT. But I don't.

There's something that I don't quite like. I just can't put my finger on it.

I jerk my head over to Yu.

I bet he's got a ton of thoughts in his head right now. All about this hot idol.



Yu's POV:

My stomach churns.

Really? A strip tease? It could have been anything...

I turn to face Yosuke.

I bet he's loving every moment of this. I bet he can't wait to just look around at all the sights.

That's what makes me sick the most.

"Senpai." Kanji places a firm hand on my shoulder as I exhale.

"Let's go," I mutter.

"Oooh, I see," Teddie says slowly. "A strip. Like what zebras have, right!?"

"Someone shut this thing up," Yosuke groans.


Yosuke's POV:

"No one sees the real me."

"Is that... Rise-chan's voice?" Chie whispers, coming to a halt.

"Yeah," I breathe.

I notice Yu looking away.

I mean, whatever, right? He's got this whole innocent act going on. He just doesn't wanna blow his cover.

"L-let's hurry!" Teddie calls. "I can feel the Shadows getting more and more agitated!"

"Stop lookin' around, Senpai," Kanji snaps at me. "We don't have time for this shit."

"I- I wasn't looking," I mutter.


"The real me doesn't exist."

"Who knew showbiz could be so cruel?" Yukiko says quietly.

"I have a real me... don't I, Sensei?" Teddie asks, his voice more serious than usual.

"I'm sure you do," Yu replies.

"Y-yeah," he quickly agrees. "You have to be right, Sensei... Surely..."

"You could have asked me," I frown.

"Why would he?" Kanji murmurs. "All you do is yell at him."

"That's not true," I snap.

"Let's move on," Yu sighs.

"I found the stairs!" Chie beckons us over.


"I have no friends. Not really. They don't know me. They don't know how I am. They don't know who I like. I can't be enough."

"Poor girl," Kanji whispers.

"...They don't know her...?" Yu says quietly.

"Hm?" I turn over to face him.

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