A Call

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Yu's POV:

"Shit," I mutter, stopping in front of the station.

"What's the matter?" Kanji asks.

"If... My uncle is working tonight, I..." I sigh.

"Hey." Yosuke puts a hand on my shoulder. "It's okay, man."

"I'll take him in," Kanji offers.

"...It's just gonna get you into trouble," I grunt. "Seeing you with the culprit... Damn, Kanji. I can't lay that on you."

"It'll be fine," Yosuke shrugs.

I turn to him. "What?"

"I mean... it's just Kanji, dude."

"Say that again, bastard," Kanji yells.

"Woah, woah, woah, what's the commotion out here?"

We turn to the back door, watching as Adachi-san comes out with a trash bag in his hand.

"Mind your own damn business." Yosuke crosses his arms.

"Holy shit... That's... Kubo..." Adachi mumbles, dropping the bag.

"Y-yeah..." I grunt, tightening my grip on him.

"Jesus, Narukami, what the hell are you doing!?" He snaps.

"I'm... It's not what it looks like," I grimace.

"Yeah," Yosuke says. "Ask Kanji."

"Wha—? Me!?" Kanji scoffs.

"I don't give a damn about Kubo right now," Adachi-san murmurs. "What the hell do you think Dojima-san is gonna say about this, huh!?"

I swallow hard. "I was hoping you wouldn't tell him."

"...Geez. He's in there right now, filling out paperwork," he grumbles, jerking a finger back to the building.

"...I just wanted to help."

"Listen," he sighs. "I won't breathe a word of this, okay?"

"You... You mean that?" I splutter.

Adachi-san grabs Kubo from me. "I'll... come up with an excuse."

"What's... gonna happen to him?" Yosuke asks.

Adachi-san shrugs. "The usual."

"...Are you sure he did it?"

"Damn, Dojima-san was right," he scoffs. "You are pretty nosy, huh, Hanamura?"

I feel my own rage rise now.

"I just don't think he did it," Yosuke grunts, trying to keep his composure.

"You... You said to me that he might not be the killer," I say slowly.

"That was supposed to stay between you and me," he frowns.

"But..." I breathe.

"Look... Just go home, okay? I won't ask how you found him. Just go check on Nanako-chan, got that? She's all alone."

"He's got a point," Kanji mutters. "I can come with you, if you want."

"Or I could go," Yosuke scoffs.

"I don't give a damn who goes where, but you three better scram before someone sees you," Adachi-san sighs.

"...Thank you for everything." I bow.

"...Ha, don't sweat it," he chuckles. "Now, you." He turns to Kubo. "Are gonna go away for good, got that? You're not escaping again..."

Adachi-san returns inside with Kubo in his hands.

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