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Yu's POV:

Yuna18: Hey.

Yuna18: Are you okay?

I wait for a few moments, but he doesn't reply.

We're all supposed to be heading to this club Rise suggested pretty soon.

Though I have no clue where Yosuke could be at this point.

I haven't seen him since afternoon lectures. I'm worried.

Yuna18: Is something on
your mind?

Still, no response.

Yuna18: You are special,

Yuna18: So unbelievably

Yuna18: If your friend
can't see that, then it's
his loss.

I sigh.

He hasn't even read my messages.

...Where the hell is he?


Yosuke's POV:

I'm so lightheaded, I feel like I'm gonna pass out...

Just... a few more pushups...

"Back straight," the instructor snaps.

"I- I'm trying," I grunt.

"Press from your toes."

"I am," I groan.

And I lose my balance.

"Shit," I mutter, feeling the burn in my skin.

"I have other people to help out," he sighs. "Do you mind?"

"Just go," I mumble.

Can't even get off the floor. I mean, damn, how pathetic is that?

Yu would be up and bouncing.

After I manage to get myself up, I sit myself down by the window, chugging at my water.

Tons of messages from Yuna.

Of course I want to answer her, but it's a reward. And I don't get that reward until I'm good enough.

I catch some sort of glint out the window.

I frown, 'cause Ichijo and Nagase are standing by some tree.

Looks like a pretty intense moment.

Until they start making out.

I blink, taking a couple shots with my cell.

So if they ever try to bother Yu again, I've got this on them...

Nah. I wouldn't do that.

I sigh, deleting the pics.

At least they're getting some action. Unlike me.

But... c'mon, man... Guys like them? Sporty, not too bad looking, and assholes.

Kanji: muscular and an asshole.

Yu? He's... hot, kind, caring and... not an asshole.

Maybe if guys like them were more like Yu then they wouldn't be hated so much...

My phone buzzes in my hand, taking me by surprise.


"Where are you?" He breathes.

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