For The Team

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Yosuke's POV:

"And he definitely said he was coming?" I ask, my leg bouncing beneath the table.

"Yeah, I'm positive!" Teddie frowns at the idea of me doubting him.

"...Ted, I don't think he is."

"Trust me, okay!?"


"Where even is everyone?" He looks around the deserted food court, pursing his lips.

I shrug. "How am I supposed to know!?"

There are hardly any customers, either. What, with this murky weather and all.

I bite my lip.

"...Ted, he doesn't wanna see me, okay? He just... he doesn't."

"Ooh! I can smell him!"

"You can... what?" I scoff.

"Mhm-hm..." He nods, his eyes squeezing shut. "He's coming, Yosuke! He's coming this way!"

"No way in hell are you-"

I stop mid-sentence as I see him walk into the court, tugging his jacket around his shoulders.


"Told ya so!" Teddie grins.

"Y-Yu." I stand up suddenly, alerting him of my presence.

He looks at me for a moment. He looks up and down, and then he sighs.

Yeah... 'Cause he was expecting everyone else, wasn't he?

"Uh..." He begins, but I'm quick to cut him off.

"They're on their way."

"...Right." He nods one time before looking away again.

"S-sit down?" I offer with a slight smile.

He pauses for a second, looking at me like I've just said the most disgusting thing he's ever heard.

"Ha... Nevermind..." I mutter.

"Why are you being so weird, Yosuke?" Teddie cocks his head to the side like a kid. "It's only Sensei."

Yeah, and that's the issue, you stupid bear.

"...Kanji's definitely coming, right...?" Yu asks slowly.

"Huh?" I frown.

Of course... He's only here for Kanji, isn't he...?

Yu is gonna give him the wrong idea if he keeps hanging around someone like him too much.

"Why's it always Kanji?" I splutter, without thinking.

He furrows a brow. "What?"

"N-nothing..." I quickly shrink back.

"..Why are you still talking to me?" He sighs, pocketing his hands.

"What do you mean, dude? W-we're buds... right...?" I sound far more pathetic and uncertain than I had envisioned.

"I literally told the love of your life that you were a pervert."

"C-come on, man... I mean, 'love of my life'? Really? That's a bit much..."

"What're you talking about?" Teddie pipes up. "You watch every ad she stars in on repeat."

I grimance, trying to erase the bear from the conversation entirely.

"And... Well... I guess I am a perv, so you didn't really lie..." I chuckle lightly, trying to lighten the mood, but his face only darkens.

"I was an asshole. I treated you like shit."

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