6/5) Damien - Heading Home

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Damien was a good soldier. Up to this part of the plan, he followed all his orders explicitly. Part of this was out of fear - the man did cut off his finger - but mostly his loyalty was about money. He was promised 5,000 dollars. A lot of money for a two-bit hood like himself. So far his expenses were paid, and he was eating good, but Damien had been with a pouty, hormone-charged, bitch of a girlfriend for too long. He would never have been in this situation of looking out for Sienna, if not for the promise of money. He'd have deserted her a long while back. Damien decided it was worth more than 5,000 dollars, and when he got the nerve up, he was going to ask for more.

Damien was not sure what the man wanted with Sienna, but it was obvious it was about the baby. He was ok with that, he didn't want it anyway. He was sure when this was all over he could convince Sienna the baby was in a loving home where it would have a good life and have more than they could provide for it. One thing he knew for sure - Sienna wanted the best for the baby. He was going to use this to convince her the baby was better off. Damien reasoned that anyone who wanted a baby so bad they would pay for it was bound to be a person who was going to love it. Why else would they want it?

Damien had followed orders so far. It was time to head home. He traveled halfway across the country to get home in an old pickup truck with a tubbo girlfriend who wanted to stop in every other town to pee. He moved Sienna in to the Miller house, stockpiled it with groceries, and did not leave for a week.

Waiting at home for a baby to arrive was a near-to-impossible task for a 17 year old who was used to being on the go and used to being entertained. Damien definitely had cabin fever. He needed some action. He was back in his old stomping grounds and was eager to do some stomping. He wanted to go find one of his girls on the side. Sienna was so fat it was disgusting to think about being with her. She was fat as a hog. When she gave him a hand job, which was now not easy to talk her into, Damien closed his eyes and did not look at her. She was gross.

A television with no cable or satellite and a nagging girlfriend were not helping his desperate circumstances. Damien needed his Xbox. It was at his house in his room along with his Call of Duty games. His mom was at work. No one would be at the house. He decided to break the most important order - do not be seen - and risk it. On the pretext he was going to go talk to the landlord, Damien left to go to his mom's house.

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