Slipping Up

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Shelby's Perspective-

Back in Evermore, Shelby was hard at work to make sure that she can help the people of this town.

She made a dock and many shops along with...signs?

Shelby saw a sign and froze.

She looked around and then crept up to it.

Shelby read the sign allowed, "I know what you did...?"

She blinked.

"I don't know what I did." She said before nervously laughing to herself.

A thought then dawned on her and her anxiety spiked up.

"Oh, they don't...they don't mean about how I got expelled...right?"

"I...I burned the letter only me and Tortoise know- "

Shelby started pacing, nervously talking to herself.

She then remembered how Sausage could talk to animals.

"But Sausage could know from Tortoise!"

She started panicking, "But surely Sausage doesn't know, and he wouldn't spread it, right? I'm the only one who knows about me getting expelled and, and not allowed to be a witch and how I ran away and how I- "

Tears started falling in her panic.

"It's not my fault I have trouble paying attention and learning! It's not my fault I suck at doing spells and potions! It's- it's not my fault. It's not my fault."

She then looked at the sign.

I know what you did.

Shelby shook her head and broke the sign.

"It's just a prank." She said, smiling nervously, "Just a funny prank someone did!"

She then threw the sign in the water.

"If I just ignore the signs, then I never saw it! That simple!" Shelby said, dusting off her hands.

Just then, Shelby heard someone shouting.

"Hello? Hello!!"

Shelby jumped and turned around.

She saw a goblin man with red hair walk up to her.

"These woods are too confusing." He sighed, trying to catch his breath, "There's so much fog and trees."

"Yeah." Shelby said, looking around, "Sorry about that. I tried to clear some of them, but I'm scared of getting lost."

The goblin chuckled, "I wouldn't blame you."

"So what do you need? Any assistance?" Shelby asked, excited for her first mission.

"Er- kind of. I needed your help with spreading the goblin around in my town. Do you have like a potion that can do that?"

Shelby thought.

I never really was good at potions.

She looked up at fWhip who smiled nervously and hopefully.

"I got it!" Shelby smiled.

fWhip's face lit up, "Great! Thanks!"

Shelby walked into her shop and looked around.

fWhip followed her and he smiled as he watched Shelby grab ingredients and mutter to herself.

"So what ingredients are you going to use?" fWhip asked.

"Oh...uh- you know!" Shelby laughed nervously, showing him the items she had grabbed.

fWhip looked at them and nodded, he looked a bit worried.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" He asked.

Shelby started to get nervous as flashbacks to her potion making exams replayed in her mind.


"Ms. Shubble, will you please tell me what the first step to making a Forgetfulness Potion is?" Shelby's professor, Professor Hasley, asked.

"Er...grabbing the ingredients?" Shelby said nervously, searching the cabinets.

Professor Hasley sighed and wrote something on her clipboard.

"It seems you have even failed that. Ms. Shubble, witchcraft takes focus and dedication, it is not a joke."

Shelby looked up nervously, "I'm not trying to make a joke of it! Really! I'm trying; I want a witch!"

Professor Hasley nodded, a stern look on her face as she tucked the clipboard under her arm.

"Need I remind you, Ms. Shubble, you have been messing around during class, not studying before these exams, and clearly just wanting to distract your fellow peers. Or what used to be your fellow peers."

Professor Hasley then turned around and opened the door.

"I expect you should start packing as I am going straight to the headmistress and talking to her about how maybe you weren't meant to be a witch after all."

And she left, shutting the giant, wooden door behind her.

Shelby stood there, her breath rushing as tears started to fall.

"She's right." Shelby sobbed to herself, "I can't do anything right. I'm not meant to be a witch."

Shelby got up and walked to her room, sniffing and hiccupping as she packed her things.


"Uh- Shelby?"

fWhip waved a hand in front of Shelby's face, making her snap back.

"Ah! Sorry." Shelby said, smiling sheepishly.

fWhip looked at Shelby.

"Are you alright?" He asked, looking concerned.

Shelby sniffed, "Y-yeah." She said, wiping her eyes.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

She then walked over to her counter where a brewing stand sat.

She got to work and fWhip watched her in amazement.

She was sure fWhip thought that this was cool and fun, but Shelby was panicking.

She got flashbacks to the academy when she was being watched and judged by her every move.

But eventually, she made a green, mucky looking potion and handed it to fWhip.

"There!" She said, wiping some sweat off of her face.

fWhip gasped as he took the glass bottle and twisted it in his hands.

"Thank you!" He said.

Shelby nodded, "Course! My job as the witch here is to help!"

fWhip smiled, "You've really come in handy, I'll definitely be telling people to come to you when they need help."

Shelby smiled nervously, "Thanks!"

fWhip then left and after he flew off, Shelby's smile faded.

I hope there aren't too many bad effects of the potion.

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