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Please listen to The Lepidopterist by Beetlebug and enjoy!

Katherine's Perspective-

I watched as Shelby worked.

Hour after hour.

Day after day.

She kept trying and trying.

She also became really flustered and embarrassed around me, which made me worry about what I said.

I wish Alice didn't interrupt. Maybe Shelby was going to say that she liked me back!

Katherine bit her lip as another voice started to talk to her.

'Well, Shelby might've said that. But at first, she said 'I don't' meaning she was probably going to say that she doesn't like you back.'

Katherine sighed and shook her head as she walked down to the stables.

Her eyes widened as she saw three potions with a note.

She picked them up and read the letter.

'Hey Katherine! I finished the potion last night, and I really think this one will work. Since I had been staying at your castle for the past couple of days, when I went back to Evermoore last night, I saw an owl sitting at my table. I recognized it as my friend Caleb's owl. Caleb had sent me a letter. Right now, I am writing a response to them, I hope you understand.
I'll visit later and see how the potion did!


Katherine smiled faintly and she looked at the potions.

Weird. She thought, moving the three bottles around in her hands.

Two were pink, and one was black.

She looked up at the creature and smiled softly.

"I don't know which one to do, do you?" She asked and the creature blinked.

Katherine hummed, "Let's just wait for Shelby."


Katherine smiled as Shelby flew down.

"Sorry about that." Shelby said, dusting off her dress.

"It's alright!"

"So how'd the potion do?" Shelby asked.

"Oh...I haven't tried it yet; I was waiting for you."

Shelby blinked and then smiled, "Let's do it now then!"

She grabbed one of the pink potions, stood back, and threw it at the creature.

It did...nothing.

"Dang it!" Shelby shouted, stomping her foot angrily, "I really thought I had it."

"Well, maybe the black one works." Katherine said.

"Wanna try it?"

Katherine bit her lip and then threw it.
And it also did nothing.

Shelby sighed, throwing her hat to the ground.

Katherine's eyes widened as she watched Shelby stomp on it.

"Stupid, stupid, STUPID! I was STUPID to think that I could be a witch, STUPID to think that I could help you, STUPID to think that I could do anything right." Shelby started crying.

"Shel- "

Shelby slapped Katherine's helping hand away.

"Don't try to help me." Shelby snapped, turning to Katherine, "Your life is perfect. You don't know what it's like to have your family taken away, have to run away from home, and have to start over completely!!! I- I feel like I'm cursed!"

Tears started to fall fast from Shelby's eyes and Katherine blinked.

She then reached up and held Shelby's cheek.

Shelby's breath rushed as she blushed.

"Believe it or not, I know how frustrating it is to be cursed. It's okay."

Shelby sniffed, "N-no it's not."

Katherine giggled lightly, "Have you seen my empire? It's completely two toned. Heck, even this creature is cursed because of me! I understand how you feel, Shelby; you're not alone."

Katherine then kissed Shelby lightly, "Trust me."

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