The Battle

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Shelby's Perspective-

A witch and a pirate.

Both fighting for the princess's love.

What could go wrong?

Sausage had built an arena for the two to fight in.

And soon, the day rolled around.

All the emperors came to see it, and Katherine had no idea what they were fighting for.


Shelby took a deep breath.

"You ready Tortoise?" She asked, lifting her hat to see her frog.

Tortoise blinked and she giggled.

"Let's go win this." She said determinedly.

She stepped out and heard the cheers and Sausage's commentary.

Joey was already out there, stretching.

Shelby and Joey made eye contact and they both smirked.

"We got this." Shelby whispered to herself, standing across from Joey, her grip tightening on her wand.

"With that," Sausage said, "Let the games, begin!"

Shelby waved her wand in the air and slashed it down, sending fire at Joey, who yelped in fear and dodged it.

Shelby had been practicing her spells and had slowly been getting better.

"I have to admit," Joey laughed, "I was a little skeptical when we first met." He pulled out his bow and loaded it up with an arrow, "But you're a complete dork!"

He launched multiple fire arrows at Shelby, who sidestepped and sent a blue bolt of energy towards him, shocking him.

Joey groaned as he hit the floor.

"You could've killed me!" He shouted.

He was very serious now.

"My intent was not to kill you, Joey, just to knock you down."

"You don't get it. You're actually hurting me." Joey groaned, sitting up.

"I don't have any intention of killing you, and if I did, you'd probably be dead already." Shelby said with a wide smile.

Joey's eyes widened in fear.

No one had ever seen Shelby act like this before.

She then charged up her wand.

"If you think Katherine will ever love you," Shelby said threateningly, "Then you've got another thing coming."

Shelby lifted her wand and Joey closed his eyes.


Shelby and Joey looked over at the crowd.

Katherine was standing up, tears in her eyes, looking terrified.

"Stop." Katherine repeated, "If...if this is all because of me..."

She shook her head, "You can't do this."

She dashed off.

"Katherine!" Joey and Shelby shouted.

The stopped what they were doing and ran out of the arena after their love.


Katherine slowed to a stop at the Great Bridge.


Katherine turned around and saw Joey and Shelby running over to her.

Katherine folded her arms.

"I can't believe you two." She said sternly as they ran up to her.

"You two suck. I thought you two were better than that. I can't believe you! You're acting like kids. And over someone's love. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard."

Shelby and Joey looked down.

"And Shelby."

Shelby looked up.

"I just...that wasn't you. You're normally so kind and sweet and wouldn't hurt a fly, but out there, you almost killed Joey. You can't do that. I- I'm really disappointed in you.

Oof. Shelby thought, trying to hide the pain she felt. She pulled the disappointment card.

"Right now," Katherine continued, "I don't love any of you. I don't think I've ever felt this mad."

She then grabbed her rockets and strapped on her elytra.

"Now if you excuse me, I have much better places to be."

She then turned around and flew off. 

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