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Shelby's Perspective-

"Believe it or not, I know how frustrating it is to be cursed. It's okay."

Shelby sniffed, "N-no it's not."

Katherine giggled lightly, "Have you seen my empire? It's completely two toned. Heck, even this creature is cursed because of me! I understand how you feel, Shelby; you're not alone."

Katherine then kissed Shelby lightly, "Trust me."

Shelby's eyes widened and she saw Katherine's red face when she leaned back.

"I- I'm sorry, I shouldn't've- "

Katherine was interrupted as Shelby leaned in and kissed her.

Katherine's eyes widened but she kissed back.

"Thank you." Shelby whispered as they broke apart, "I can't tell you how much it means to me to have someone understand how I feel."

Katherine nodded, "Of course."

"But are you sure you don't mind the creature?" Shelby asked, changing the subject.

Katherine lightly giggled, "It's fine, Blossom, don't worry about it."

Shelby blushed at the pet name and kissed Katherine's cheek.

I love you.

Alright, be honest, do you like this story? I'm really on the fence about it. I feel like it had a lot going for it but then I ruined it.

Uh- anyway,


I hope I didn't ruin it too much and you were still able to enjoy it.

I really like the parts about the academy and Shelby's backstory, I liked it bc in Empires S2, I don't think Shelby went too heavily into her backstory, so I had a lot of freedom with it. Let me know what your favorite part (and why bc I wanna know!!)

If you enjoyed this fic, then go check out my other work! I recommend A World Not Meant For Us as it is sort of connected with this fanfic.

With that, farewell, and I hope to see you again soon!

Much platonic love,
Seth <3

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