The Ballroom Dance

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Shelby's Perspective-

"I've never been to a dance.

I think the older kids at the Academy got one but since I was expelled, I never went.

It always seemed like fun though.

But now that I think about it...I'm not much of a party person. I never really liked dancing in front of other people.

Do you think I'll be fine?"

Tortoise croaked and Shelby giggled.

"You're right." She said, taking out her wand, "We need a different outfit."

She waved her wand around before freezing,
"Er- how does the spell go again?"

But before she could do anything else, her outfit changed.

Instead of being purple and mossy green, it was pink and had lacy white.

It was covered in light pink flowers, and she even had a nice flower crown.

Shelby's mouth fell in amazement.

"I can't believe that worked!" She said, jumping up in celebration.

Tortoise croaked again, reminding Shelby that she had to go soon.

"You're right, I should get going." She said.

Tortoise tilted his head.

"I'm sorry," Shelby sighed, kissing his little head, "I'm not wearing my witch hat, I can't take you. Be good."

She waved goodbye to Tortoise as she flew off towards Glimmer Grove.


"Hey Shelby!" Katherine and Gem welcomed Shelby into the two-toned castle.

"Wonderful, I'm glad you could make it," Gem said, shaking Shelby's hand, "Everyone else is inside."

"Oh, am I the last one?" Shelby asked.

Gem shook her head, "No, we're still waiting on Jimmy and Scott, but I think they're doing their own thing as Jimmy couldn't come. Sausage said his foot was still healing or something."

Shelby nodded and she walked inside with Katherine and Gem.

She looked around and saw everyone talking and dancing.

"Oh no." Shelby heard Gem say under her breath, looking worriedly at Joel, who was drinking a lot of honey concentrate.

"I'll be right back, better stop them before they get too tipsy." Gem said, rushing off.

Shelby laughed and then looked around.

She caught Katherine looking nervously outside.

"You alright?" She asked, making Katherine jump a bit.

"Oh...yes!" Katherine said, putting on a smile.

"Just a bit worried about not being on duty?" Shelby asked, lowering her voice.

"I...yeah." Katherine sighed.

"I'm supposed to protect this village. Most people think I'm cursed, and I need to prove them wrong." Katherine said, a determined look in her eyes.

Shelby bumped into Katherine lightly, "Well, I don't think you're cursed."

Katherine smiled, making Shelby blush.

"Thanks." Katherine said.

They stood in an awkward silence and Shelby was watching Gem argue with Joel and fWhip.

"Do you want to dance?" Katherine asked after a minute.

Shelby, thinking Katherine was talking to someone else, ignored her.

Her heart hurt a bit, as she wanted to dance with Katherine.

"Shelby?" Katherine asked.

"Hm?" Shelby looked at Katherine.

"Do you...want to dance?" Katherine asked.

Shelby blushed and nodded silently.

Katherine laughed, making Shelby's heart flutter.

Katherine grabbed Shelby's hand and they walked to the dance floor.

Shelby, her face red, was very embarrassed at what was happening.

Katherine bowed and Shelby followed, confused at what to do.

She had never really danced this formally before, so she was nervous about messing up.

Especially in front of Katherine.

"Stop worrying about the steps." Shelby whispered to herself, taking a deep breath as she and Katherine walked up to each other.

Shelby froze as her and Katherine's hands interlocked.

Shelby could hardly breathe, overwhelmed by the sight of Katherine's gorgeous dress.

They swayed back and forth to the rhythm of the orchestra, looking as beautiful as they ever had.

Shelby wanted to look into Katherine's eyes, but she didn't dare.

She felt like the clumsy, awkward witch that she was.

Katherine led Shelby through some of the more complicated steps and Shelby began to relax.

She knew she would not make a fool of herself in front of Katherine.

As the song ended, they stepped away from each other.

Katherine grinned as they walked over to get some drinks, "You said that you never danced, and yet that was perfect!"

"Oh...was it?" Shelby asked, feeling her cheeks turn pink.

Katherine nodded, "Yeah! Even better than I did when I first started out."

"Aw, thanks!"

They continued talking as the orchestra started up a new toon.

"So, when are you going back to the academy?" Katherine asked, trying to make small talk.

Shelby started coughing on her water.

"W-what?" She asked.

Katherine blinked, confused, "You know...the academy that sent you here. How long are you staying?"

"," Shelby started messing with the cup as her anxiety spiked up.

I wanna tell Katherine the truth, but she can't know I'm not really a witch! That's how I get to hang out with her all the time!


Shelby snapped back.

"Are...are you okay? You're crying." Katherine said, a serious yet concerned look on her face.

Shelby sniffed and wiped her eyes.

"Y-yeah!" She said, putting on a smile, "Sorry I just...I don't know...I guess I really got accustomed to here."

Shelby walked over to the giant window and leaned on it, looking up at the stary sky.

"The academy sucks." Shelby said.

"But they sent you here. Don't you have to go back at some point?"

Shelby looked up at Katherine, tears forming again.

"I got expelled."

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