Fishers of Men

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April 24, 2023

Sister Burton,

Success is measured by input not output.

Success is part of the struggle. Is it not also found in visions, and dreams? Always remember Gussy, it's not in the thing not done, rather it's in what is completed. This is how to judge success.

Big or small it doesn't matter. The effort is what's important. We can achieve all that is put before us in the strength of The Lord. His paths are straight, are they not?

The Lord makes it possible for us to be fishers of men, yet in His wisdom are not we all taught how to fish? The Lord allows us to assist Him in sharing the gospel.

As fishers of men we are endowed with love, charity, powers from Heaven we are given to assist other's in finding their way.

We put their hand on The Rod of Iron and say, "Now don't let go."

"Fishers of men I am,

taught a message true.

Received in the heart to you,

your hand The Rod to follow through.

Now born new testimony shared,

fishers of men you are too"

Wilt thou Gussy step out of the boat as

beckoned? Despite the choppiness of the water? The depth of such waters? Security of the boat secured you think. Faith in Him and courage in one's self is required. Doubt not the miracles of Him Gussy. Confidence in Him and courage in self through a commitment to be true to covenants made with Him and The Father.

Say, "Here am I Lord." "I will go!"

Walk Sister Burton. Step by step tread upon the sea towards Him who in mighty to save.

Be not troubled, distracted by the world.

You're gaze fixed on Him our Master!

Give thanks unto The Lord for the opportunity you have had to serve. Pour out your heart unto

The Father for the perfect Plan of Happiness given to us all.

Testify with the authority you have in you and around you of the love Jesus Christ has for all of God's children.

Declare unto all the promised blessings of the temple.

Speak of the eternities.

Is not the Tree of Life real. It's goodness to be partaken in the now.

Lift up your voice and pronounce the validity of the Prophet Joseph Smith.

Oh Gussy you are amazing and grateful I am to be your dad. Soon to return home you will.

Love you forever, ever more!

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