letting go

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September 2, 2022

Dear Sister Burton,

One aspect of missionary service is truly finding who you are. You can be a great teacher.
You can have a strong testimony. Stand tall in adversity. Be obedient to the standards.
But remember one must know what is inside or all is a facade, placating to the norms, evolving into a shell of a person instead of the being we should come to know through lessons in this life.

We come to understand ourselves through the reflection in what surrounds us.
I like being outdoors. I see me in the creation of the earth. The mtns, trees, plants, rocks, sand, dirt, and all living creatures. For me there is an awareness of who I am by observing all that surrounds me.
I breathe in the fresh air. I speak to the wind in my hair and face. I listen for the voice that teaches and renews my soul.

As a servant of The Lord, block out all distractions. You focus on other’s and you.
We can feel the weight of service when we over focus on the task at hand and forget ourselves.
When you hear the phrase {to loose one’s self in the work}, that is only one aspect of the process.
To loose ourselves means we are found. 
It doesn’t mean we are lost. Yes it is true that in our discipleship we are in the service of Him and receive wonderful blessings by doing so.
Blessings also are there as we reflect and gather intelligence for ourselves. Take time for you to redirect your energy in how you serve others most effectively. Take time for you to grow through acknowledgment of spiritual gifts received and
how you have grown in your communion with the spirit. By doing so you will be better able to teach. You will be better able to assist the sisters in your district & or zone. This type of thinking will give you courage and remove doubt about yourself and your goals. You have objectives as a companionship as well as yourself. You are an important integral part of all aspects of the work there in your area.
There were times on my mission we would follow up with members, new converts, and other’s that were kind and supportive. This short visit at different times in the week would boost my moral. Strengthen my confidence and remind me of why I’m here.

Holding on is part of letting go. We like to feel the security of always hanging on. Holding on to what is comfortable can be reassuring to our hearts and minds. But we must let go!! Letting go we are truly free. We have ambitions not to protect but to create. Remember The Lord’s Atonement.
It makes up for what we are lacking. It fills the voids in our loneliness. It heals the unseen wounds upon the pages in the Book of Life. 
There are only mysteries to the gospel because we know not. We must open our understanding to receive the additional light and truth that is there for them that seeketh becoming no more a mystery but a revelation, a testimony unto our souls.

Be not dismayed. Lift up your head and see all that is around you. Enjoy the struggle. Enjoy the disappointments. Embrace the trials. It is for our good. It is part of the plan. Lift others from where they stand not from where they should be.
That is where they need to go not the starting point. Find joy in other’s small improvements especially other sister missionaries. When you do splits find common things to talk about on the mission and at home. Always reinforce the mission president’s directives. Be encouraging.
Show forth love. Don’t dwell on the events at home other missionaries are having but be engaged with them. It shows you care.
Play on p-day. Enjoy being around other missionaries. 

Love you Gussy.
Before you know it you’ll be on a flight home.
You will enter into a different season in your life full of other possibilities and challenges.
This gospel is true! It is the same that Paul taught.
A restoration was necessary. Pres Nelson speaks to The Lord as a friend speaketh to a friend.
Created from a loving Heavenly Father each of us are. Time in this life is but a moment compared to eternity. Hold to the rod. Don’t look back.
ie…… ie………………………
In my prayers you always are; fore, I am with you!


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