foreverness i say

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March 23, 2022

Sister Burton,

Good morning to you! Up and at it. :)
I'm looking forward to part two when you write again as you said the other day. :)

Be of good cheer Sister Burton. Know I love you and pray for you everyday. I have had many experiences throughout my life including up to this day, where on various occasions, I have been very close, be it through thoughts or their doings of: friends, family members, and yes mom too.
I have had the privilege as well to be close to my children. There is much I know. I have been blessed to be close to you at times.

You are about the most important things you could be doing at this time in your life. You will find joy in marriage. You will find joy as a mother and wife in raising a family. Joy will be yours as you attend the temple and keep sacred those covenants made therein. Among the leaders and servants in the armies of the dead you will be renewed and receive joy. Joy from heaven will abide in you as your eternal companion serves you and honors the priesthood bestowed upon him, the power and authority of The Father.
But it is now in this day, this year, that you find joy in bringing lost souls to the truth and light of a new era, assisting them to be born again and receiving those ordinances preparatory to
The Savior's return. How glorious and never ending your joy is in this time and time........
forever more!

May I bring to your remembrance at this moment as I think of you, your service as a servant of
The Lord, and share in a psalm, messages from
my soul.
Gussy, my dear daughter-
It is your example, love, devotion to, desire, courage, patience, and knowledge of, that will lift other's around you. Walk with power.
Your posture will bring you confidence.
Your humility and faith in The Master will change hearts. It is through the spirit that the miracle of conversion lays hold and grows from a seed
in one's heart. Did you not plant that seed as a disciple of Christ? Did you not teach, testify, and invite through the spirit, all who believe upon your words, to be baptized and prepare for the temple? Are you not a harvester as well as a planter? Does not the scriptures speak to us of a time that the field is white already to be harvested?
A farmer/rancher, a known shepherd you are among them wandering in mists of darkness,
lost along the cliffs of a filthy raging river, and yes at times rescuing them from a large and spacious building of sin, hypocrisy, and spiritual decadence. Yes I say...... yes! You are a light upon a hill.

Give all credit and thank's unto The Lord. You are an instrument in His hands, being willing to submit to all things that He ask's of you. Thank Him and the Father for such an incredible opportunity to serve and for all the blessings given to you even your very breathe. Is it not said that all we give would not be enough to repay The Lord, yet we'd still be unprofitable servants, creatures as the dust of the earth. (For us it might very well be the dust of The Great Basin) :)

Great are the depths of deceit and long are the paths of trials of them who are not holding the iron rod. You are the lifeline and may be the only one for some to find their way to the tree of life. Make no mistake it is that you are on a journey of the lost among men. You are like unto an angel proclaiming a proclamation, that the fullness of the gospel has been restored and sent throughout the land from on high, a message of salvation, that through Jesus Christ, the sorrow is healed caused from sin and reassurance given in the lack of knowledge to many, of where to find solace to one's soul is answered; wherein, once they knew not where to find it, they are found through the knowledge of Him who is mighty to save.
You will carry the burdens, a cross of other's upon your shoulders for them who are to weak to carry on. You will give unto them that have fallen with exhaustion a drink from your flask to wet their lips and say courage is yours, stand. It will be your voice, a clarion call, to them with affirmatives of the spiritual, to repent and walk forward towards the light. It is your voice Sister Burton as you take their hand in yours and say with a stern whisper of warning yet piercing the silence with pure love, "Don't look back!"

We are all on different levels of service.
Some are further down the covenant path than others. It is no different as a missionary.
You find opportunities to love 'them' whom you serve: your companion, the ward members, investigators, and yourself. It is by design that you are last. Has it not been said that the last become the first? Halle, as you put the needs of other's first the voids, those places left empty in your heart, your sorrows from other's actions,
your inadequacies and the low places,
will be filled with living waters. One may say, "Water from a well?" No, not from a well, from Him, even Jesus Christ, to thirst no more, for within you will spring up a fountain unto eternal life. It is these waters that I speak of. A quenching of one's spiritual thirst; wherein, a thirst in search of the soulful answers is no more, for His yoke is easy and His burden is light, as he reveals himself to us in times of need and plenty.
I testify Halle this is so.

A power so enduring that it was thought of through ancient traditions and civilizations long ago, to only be possessed by the Gods, as well as sorely misunderstood in our day, which is agency! Our Heavenly Father knew this is the way.
He knew that we must have this powerful gift that in so possessing such a power that we would be in turn preparing ourselves for higher blessings even as He has, that we as His children can dwell with Him eternally forever! I'll share another secret to life: "One cannot dwell in His presence to live in exhalation without having the promise to receive all that He has available unto them."
So it is Gussy, that our Father loves us all so much that He would impart all there is in the heavens to those of us that come unto The Savior, accepting His sacrifice that we may truly become sons and daughters unto the most high, 'The Great I Am', being redeemed from the fall through His Atonement; repenting, exercising faith, and enduring to the end, as covenant keepers,
saved by His grace. God would cease to be if this wasn't so. His greatness and glory defy all description. We can't fully comprehend such magnificence, nor could we possibly abide in His presence without a plan perfect in nature for such an imperfect people as we are. The plan that
The Father presented, a plan that allows all through agency to come back to Him. If you pier into the plan of salvation, gazing deeper with your spiritual eyes, I say look..............
and you will behold the greater understanding through which the plan offers. The Father cannot withhold the blessings of foreverness to all that are faithful. It is not His nature. In this we couldn't return completely to a heavenly home having exhalation as our eternal reward if we weren't to have all that The Father has. There would be no eternity. There would be a fullness of nothing. There would never be creation.
An end I say would be!

Can one hold forever in the hand? Can you grasp ahold of a piece of eternity? Where is the understanding and enlightenment of such heavenly matters? In heaven, time is of the present not the past, nor is it a measurement type of the future. Only a mark of passage of time in this life.

Is not "creation" the very element in all that there is? Creation brings together that beyond the vail, linking all world's together. All is possible through that order I have spoken about, 'the creation'.
It is in each of us. It is all around us. It is in the earth. Is it as well about in the skies above?
Worlds without number. Can one count the sands in the seas? I say nay; fore, it is so.

The greatest of such creations is mankind. We are made in our heavenly parent's image. We have in our bodily fabric, celestial material as sons and daughters of a living God. We are creators.
We have the potential of such powers held within our souls, architects of heavenly ideals.
Through our talents and gifts we create.
Through our agency we create. Be it not through our mistakes do we find creation?
Through our service unto one another we create, carving out the stone and make smooth the rough surfaces.
Through our love for another we partner with
The Father and create life, a earthly home for spirit children from the heavens. We are part of the greatness of God. Do we then not become witnesses of His love as we become partakers of the grandeurs of mercy, accept justice, and that healing in grace given?

You hold in the cup of your hands forever.
You grasp around your fingers the pieces of eternity. The capacity in your mind finds space for the enlightenment promised to the faithful that seek understanding of heavenly matters.
All this because you are a creation of a God.
A testimony of such things you are! This because you are alive. You are true to your first estate.
You are an heir to all the blessings of the eternities. You then can unlock, open the gate, and walk out onto the great expanse, vast plains of foreverness. Foreverness..... I say.


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